
發布: 2024-09-03 06:42:22
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對於果粉來說,使用iPhone拍照已經成為一種習慣,但當我們想要將這些珍貴的照片導入電腦時,卻常常遇到各種問題。從連接線材到使用不同的軟體,整個過程可能令人困惑又耗時。別擔心! php小編小新為大家帶來了一份詳細指南,將一步步教你如何輕鬆將iPhone 6中的照片導入電腦。無論是Windows還是macOS,我們都將提供最簡單易行的解決方案。



蘋果iPhone 6可以透過以下幾種方式將照片匯入電腦:

1. 使用iTunes進行同步:

- 確保您的iPhone和電腦上已安裝並開啟最新版本的iTunes。

- 使用USB線將iPhone連接到電腦。

- 在iTunes中,選擇您的iPhone圖標,進入裝置管理頁面。

- 在左側導覽列中,選擇「照片」選項。

- 勾選「同步照片」選項,然後選擇您想要匯入的照片資料夾。

- 點選「套用」或「同步」按鈕,將照片從iPhone匯入電腦。

2. 使用Windows檔案總管:

- 確保您的iPhone已連接到電腦,選擇「允許此裝置存取照片和影片」的選項。

- 在Windows電腦上,開啟檔案總管(Windows鍵 + E)。

- 在左側面板中,找到“此電腦”或“我的電腦”,點擊開啟。

- 在「裝置和磁碟機」部分找到並雙擊您的iPhone裝置。

- 雙擊開啟“內部儲存裝置”,然後前往“DCIM”資料夾。

- 在此資料夾中,您可以找到您的照片。複製或剪下所需的照片,然後將其貼到您想要保存的位置。

3. 使用iCloud照片庫:

- 確保您的iPhone和電腦都已登入相同的iCloud帳號,並啟用了iCloud照片庫。

- 在電腦上開啟瀏覽器,並登入iCloud網站 (https://www.icloud.com)。

- 點擊「照片」圖標,您可以在其中看到您的照片庫。

- 瀏覽照片,選擇您想要匯出的照片,然後右鍵並選擇「下載」選項。

無論您選擇哪種方式,都可以輕鬆地將照片從iPhone 6匯入電腦。請根據您的需求和偏好選擇適合的方法。


1.iPhone6的USB資料連接線壞了。 檢測辦法:用數據線把iPhone和電腦連接起來能夠顯示為正在充電狀態就表示數據線正常。

2.手機的USB線介面壞了。 檢測辦法,找一台夠正常使用的iPhone,用自己的數據線連接,如果電腦能夠識別,那就是自己手機的USB線的接口出了問題。


一.首先,確認Apple Mobile Device是否已經開啟  當電腦中的Apple Mobile Device服務關閉的時候,你的iPhone是連接不上iTunes的。首先,關閉iTunes,在電腦中找到,右鍵點擊選擇,然後選擇,再點擊,在右側欄中找到,雙擊打開,在跳出的框中選擇按鈕。  二.重新偵測硬體設備並安裝驅動  這個方法也是一個可以幫助解決iPhone連接不上iTunes的問題,同時,如果你無法透過USB連擊電腦上傳照片也可以透過這個方法解決。  首先,確保自己的電腦上已經安裝有iTunes,將iPhone用USB線連擊電腦。然後,右鍵點擊,選擇-,在左側欄中選擇-,然後在右側欄中,選擇-,然後右鍵點擊,選擇。  這時,設備將從系統中刪除,驅動也會一起被卸載。之後,拔出USB線,重新插入一次。系統會自動偵測新硬體設備並安裝驅動,這時,進入我的電腦,你就能發現多出了iPhone照相機的圖標,雙擊圖標就可以將iPhone上的照片上傳到電腦了,再次連接上iTunes,你就會發現自己的iPhone被辨識出來了。  三.刪除原有iTunes,重裝最新版本的iTunes  版本過舊,或是iTunes程式出現問題,也會發生iPhone連線不上iTunes的情況。如果第一、二兩種方法都行不通,那麼我們就刪除電腦中原有的iTunes程序,進行最新版的再次安裝。首先,進入-,將下列程序逐一刪除,最好按順序:  1、iTunes  2、QuickTime  3、Apple Software Update  4、Apple Mobile Device Support  5、Bonjour  4、Apple Mobile Device Support  5、Bonjour  6、Puneliports Support(i wune)或更高版本但 9 刪除iTunes,重新啟動電腦後,重新安裝最新版的iTunes  四. iPhone連接iTunes顯示iTunes不能讀取"iPhone"的內容,要求恢復出產設定的解決方法iPhone連接iTunes顯示「iTunes不能讀取"iPhone"的內容,請前往iPhone偏好設定中的"擇要"標籤並點擊"恢復"以將該iPhone恢復為出廠設定」的修復方法(必需已越獄):  造成這種情況的一種原因是iPhone上的iTunes同步資料庫受到破壞,解決的方法如下:  操作之前先用iTools(可以百度進行下載,很好用的手機助手)備份下iPhone裡面的資料,有備無患。 1.安裝iFunbox  2.使用iFunbox的檔案管理功能,刪除位於/檔案系統/var/mobile/Media目錄下的iTunes_Control資料夾3.從頭開啟iTunes,電子掃描到iPad後,重新設定iPad,有兩個選項:(1)設定為新的ipad;(2)從備份中恢復建議用iFunbox進入var/mobile/media/刪除itunes_contrl並重新啟動就可以了。












A very popular and powerful image management software is Adobe Lightroom. It can sort photos by timeline after importing them, or automatically sort them based on their metadata information. You just need to choose the appropriate sorting option to solve the problem of confusing photo order.

Solution 3: Use a special file name format

Also, there is a simple solution is to use a special file name format. The official software of some camera brands provides such a function. For example, Nikon's software can sort by adding time information to the file name.

You can refer to the official support document of the camera brand to learn how to configure the file name format so that when the camera is connected to the computer, the photos can be displayed in the order of shooting time.

Solution 4: Use the tools that come with the operating system

If you don’t like to use third-party software or software that comes with the camera brand, there is a simple and crude solution. You can sort photos directly using the file browser tool that comes with your operating system.

On the Windows operating system, you can select the camera device in the explorer, enter the corresponding photo directory, and then sort by date or file name.


We have introduced four solutions to the problem of the order of photos connecting the camera to the computer. Manually rename photos in order, use picture management software to sort, use special file name formats, and use the tools that come with the operating system. Each method has its applicable scenarios and convenience of use.

The best method depends on your personal preferences and usage habits. If you are used to managing photos manually, then manual renaming may be the simplest and most effective method; if you use a specific brand of camera, you can try to use the functions provided by the official software; if you like a simple and fast solution, you can try the operating system Comes with tools.

I hope this article can help photography enthusiasts who encounter problems with the order of photos connected to the computer when the camera is connected, and provide some reference for solutions. I wish you can process photos easily and efficiently and show off your most beautiful works!

5. After cutting the iPhone 6 photos on the computer, why are they still on the phone?

Because the photo was not imported into the computer, it cannot be cut. You can use Aisi Assistant to import photos from your phone into your computer to solve the problem

6. How to connect iPhone 6 plus to computer pp assistant?

Connect to the computer-find the computer-select management-click device manager-portable devices-update-click to select-click to install.

The specific steps are as follows; connect your phone to the computer, find the "Computer" icon on the computer desktop, right-click and select "Manage".

Then find "Device Manager - Portable Devices - Right-click Apple iPhone - Update Driver Software".

Select "Browse my computer for driver software".

Click "Choose from a list of device drivers on your computer."

Click the "Have Disk" button in the lower right corner, and in the dialog box, click Browse.

7. How to add photos on iPhone 6 to connect to Meitu Xiu Xiu Xiu?

1. The iPhone 6 itself does not have the function of writing on photos, and you must download software.

2. You can download MeituXiuXiu, in software and other related software.

3. The following takes the Meimei Xiu Xiu software as an example:

(1) Open Meitu Xiu Xiu.

(2) Choose to beautify the picture.

(3) Select "Text" from the bottom menu bar.

(4) Add the desired text and click "Save and Share" in the upper right corner to complete.

8. Will the photos stored on the computer when the iPhone is connected to it?

Don’t worry, this is a computer with XP system. Even if you want to put photos into the computer, it will take a long time. . .

Also, if there is any software that can automatically copy photos to a computer with an iPhone, please tell me. . . .

9. Portability solution for connecting iPhone 6 to computer

Background introduction

iPhone 6 is a very popular smartphone with powerful functions and performance. However, some users may encounter problems connecting their iPhone 6 to their computer, especially when they need to manage and transfer files on their computer.

Problem Analysis

While the connection between iPhone 6 and Mac computer is usually simple, the connection with other computers is not always so smooth. This can cause inconvenience to users, especially if there is no Wi-Fi or cloud storage is not available.

Solution 1: Use a USB data cable

The most common method is to use a USB data cable to connect your iPhone 6 to your computer. This connection method is very convenient. Just plug one end of the data cable into the Lightning port of iPhone 6 and the other end into the USB port of the computer.

After successful connection, you can run iTunes software on your computer to manage your iPhone 6. You can sync music, videos, photos, and other files, as well as perform backup and restore operations.

Solution 2: Use wireless transmission tools

In addition to using USB data cables, there are also some wireless transmission tools that can connect iPhone 6 to a computer. For example, you can use the AirDrop feature to transfer files between a Mac computer and an iPhone 6.

In addition, some third-party applications also provide wireless transmission functions. You only need to install the corresponding application on your iPhone 6 and connect it to your computer according to the instructions to realize the wireless transmission function.

Solution 3: Use a cloud storage service

If you cannot connect to a computer, or it is inconvenient to use a data cable for transmission, then using a cloud storage service may be a good choice. Cloud storage services such as iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox allow you to sync and share files between different devices.

You only need to upload files to the cloud storage service, and then access these files by logging in to the corresponding account on your iPhone 6. This makes file transfer more convenient and flexible.


Whether using USB data cable, wireless transfer tool or cloud storage service, it can help you solve the connection problem between iPhone 6 and computer. Choose the appropriate method based on the actual situation and personal needs to get the best connection experience.

Thank you for reading this article, I hope these solutions can help you connect iPhone 6 to computer more easily and provide more convenient file management and transfer functions.

10. Why does it use data when iPhone 6 is connected to the computer to update iOS using itunes?

Me too, I used iTunes to update IOS on my iPhone 7 computer, and I used mobile 4G data, and the excess charge reached more than 400, which is extremely frustrating.


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