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Qubetics (TICS) 承諾在 Polygon (MATIC) 遷移到 POL 和 SEI (SEI) 的過程中保持排他性

發布: 2024-09-01 09:09:12
1048 人瀏覽過

您有跟上加密貨幣市場的動態嗎?如果是,那麼您應該聽過 Qubetics (TICS)。這是一個創新的 Layer-1

Qubetics (TICS) 承諾在 Polygon (MATIC) 遷移到 POL 和 SEI (SEI) 的過程中保持排他性

加密貨幣市場最近經歷了相當多的起伏。然而,儘管情況嚴峻,一些項目仍然成功維持甚至蓬勃發展。 Qubetics (TICS) 就是這樣的一個專案。

如果您一直在關注加密貨幣市場,那麼您一定聽說過 Qubetics。這個創新的第一層區塊鏈已經出現了令人印象深刻的白名單。它承諾無與倫比的獨家性,以及令人驚嘆的優惠和福利。

雖然許多人因剛結束的牛市而蒙受損失,但 Qubetics 白名單提供了一個重新開始開創性計畫的機會。加入白名單將使用戶佔上風,並讓他們享受成為專屬會員的福利。

同時,Polygon 已確認將其原生代幣 MATIC 移轉到 POL。這意味著 POL 將取代 MATIC 作為 Polygon 網路的原生 Gas 和質押代幣。

此外,儘管最近出現了熊市,SEI 仍表現出了令人難以置信的前景,上週飆升了 7% 以上。

沒有像 Qubetics 白名單這樣的獨家優惠


Qubetics 白名單的一個主要突出好處是它的早期通知。白名單成員將在實施任何專案或更新之前 48 小時透過電子郵件收到通知。這使會員在決策方面領先其他投資者和交易者,使他們能夠做出更明智的投資選擇。

另一個好處是早期折扣優惠。隨著 Qubetics 預告即將預售,白名單成員可以盡快以盡可能低的價格加入。它將幫助他們用很少的資本建立自己的投資組合。

Polygon 從 MATIC 遷移到 POL:這對加密市場意味著什麼

隨著加密貨幣市場的許多更新,最令人驚訝的更新之一是 Polygon 宣布從其原生代幣 MATIC 遷移到 POL。這將使 POL 取代 MATIC 成為 Polygon 網路的新治理代幣。

在經歷了數月的延遲和不確定性之後,這一歷史性轉變將於 2024 年 9 月 4 日發生。這項變更將增強 Polygon 用戶和投資者的樂觀情緒和期望。這標誌著該項目正蓄勢待發,邁入新時代。

這項新的轉變得到了 Coinbase 等交易所的支持,也將提高 Polygon 網路的效率。分析師和投資者也希望這將扭轉加密貨幣在市場上的命運。這是因為該代幣目前市場沒有顯示出改善的跡象。

SEI 每週價格飆漲:分析師對全面復甦抱持希望

Recognized as one of the fastest-rising cryptocurrencies in the market, SEI has once again proved its mettle, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this, SEI has maintained resilience, surging past 7% in the last week. That comes after an extended bearish season that saw top cryptocurrencies drop in value. Despite this,

以上是Qubetics (TICS) 承諾在 Polygon (MATIC) 遷移到 POL 和 SEI (SEI) 的過程中保持排他性的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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