
發布: 2024-08-29 15:33:59
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根據 Smartprix 的爆料稱,小米正在研發一台代號為「朱雀」的無按鍵手機。

這份爆料稱,這台代號朱雀的手機將秉承一體化的理念設計,使用屏下攝像頭,並搭載高通驍龍8gen4 處理器,如果計劃沒有變動,我們很可能在2025 年看到它的到來。

看到這個消息,我恍惚間以為自己回到了 2019 年——那時小米發布了小米 MIX Alpha 概念機,環繞屏無按鍵設計相當驚艷。








這種暢想早有端倪——每年新iPhone 推出的時候,就有不少概念機圖片出現在網絡上,除了類似於“屏幕巨長”的iPhone 18 梗圖外,最引人們注目的,就是那台沒有側邊按鈕的iPhone。


▲ 我眼熟不?

再後來,小米Mix 與iPhone X 先後開啟了全面屏時代,概念機的形態也在與時俱進,不過,就和狼來了一樣,我對概念機的落地已經不抱希望了。

讓人意想不到的是,國產廠家突然開始發力,魅族 Zero 的突然出現,如晴天炸雷一般出現在所有人的目光中。

2019 年 1 月 23 日,魅族科技正式發布了魅族 Zero,不需要任何限定詞——這是全球首款無開孔智慧型手機。



這種設計至上的理念,在 Zero 上體現得淋漓盡致:將實體按鍵全部取消,轉而使用虛擬側壓按鍵的方案,讓手感與體驗更純粹。

Zero 採用了壓力檢測技術和電容定位技術,在機身兩側實現了電源及音量按鍵的虛擬化,並用 X 軸線行馬達對虛擬按鍵的激發進行反饋。




當大家還沉浸在魅族 Zero 的科幻與優雅時,vivo 也給了重磅炸彈。

僅在 Zero 發布的一天後的 1 月 24 日,vivo 在北京發布了首款 5G 一體手機—— APEX 2019。


vivo 將這個設計稱為“Super Unibody”,其理念非常直接——技術更多,設計更少。

雖然與魅族的概念有些差異,但殊途同歸,vivo 給出的答案與Zero 極其相似—— vivo APEX 將機身所有的按鍵進行了“物理消滅”,在屏幕邊緣設置了交替的電容、壓力觸控點,能夠在一定區域內同時偵測按壓與觸摸,精確定位使用者手指,並判斷操作的目標功能。

與魅族不同,vivo 將機身介面接點保留在背面,透過更強的磁吸力度將靠近的數據線介面吸住,以達到充電與傳輸數據的目的。


僅僅大半年後,兩台概念機的熱度剛剛平息下來,小米就推出了更激進的玩意—— Mix Alpha


If the first two devices only proved the feasibility of related technologies, then the Mix Alpha launched by Xiaomi undoubtedly brought imagination into reality - a huge surround screen surrounds from the front to the back, and finally at the rear The camera meets the screen, and the screen-to-body ratio is as high as 180.6%.


▲ The Mix Alpha from this angle is very much like the concept picture of a mobile phone that I once imagined

However, compared to the dreamy screen, Xiaomi has added buttons on the body On the phone, it is still conservatively stable - Mix Alpha only removes the physical volume button, and still retains the physical power button to deal with problems such as system failure or machine jamming, and leaves a charging interface.

Compared to the radicalness of Xiaomi Mix Alpha, vivo APEX and Meizu Zero, Huawei is much more stable.

At the end of 2019, under the bombardment of many concept machines, Huawei held a press conference in Germany and released the flagship of the year-Mate 30 Pro.


Because it is a mass-produced model, Huawei did not go all the way to radicalization. Instead, it had to consider various aspects such as interaction, user learning cost, and ease of use, and finally chose to use virtual reality. The buttons replace the physical volume buttons, and a physical power button that is compressed to the extreme is retained on the side of the phone.

In this solution, the virtual button wake-up adopts a touch solution. When the user needs to adjust the volume, he can double-click the edge of the screen and slide up and down with his finger to adjust the volume.


In just one year, in pursuit of a piece of "magic glass", radical players such as Meizu and Xiaomi have been manufacturing and trying concept phones at all costs. Looking for the possibility of implementing solutions, there are also manufacturers like Huawei that are taking a steady approach, starting from a small place, and trying things step by step.


It’s great that you sing and then I appear.

But unfortunately, this grand occasion did not last long.

The regret of the times, the short-lived buttonless mobile phone

Buttonless mobile phone, this cool concept did not last because everyone found that mobile phones in this form It has entered a strange circle: using more complex interaction methods in exchange for a simpler body design.

Since Meizu Zero, vivo APEX and Xiaomi Mix Alpha are all concept machines or sold in small quantities, let’s take a look at the most stable mass-produced model: the virtual volume keys on Huawei Mate 30 Pro.

Huawei Mate 30 Pro uses a capacitive sensing solution, that is, a touch screen solution to solve the problem of waking up virtual buttons. Both sides of the entire upper part of the phone can wake up the volume adjustment function by double-clicking the side.


For this function, users’ evaluations are quite polarized. Every reason for dislike will mention one key point: the interaction of this virtual button is not friendly.

First of all, the operation is unintuitive, and it is physically unintuitive.

I wonder if you have ever encountered inappropriate phone or voice volume. When we cannot look directly at the screen but need to adjust the volume, virtual buttons often make people busy.


▲ On Xiaohongshu, the discussion about virtual buttons is very intense

Secondly, the increase in interaction costs cannot be ignored.

In the past, through physical volume keys, we only needed one press to complete the interaction. With virtual volume keys, we need three actions to achieve the purpose.

These details may seem inconspicuous, but their impact is huge - the experience of using the mobile phone is blocked, and users need to frequently shift their attention to solve the problem of virtual keys.

In Apple’s early advertisements, there was a classic line to describe the contradiction between the simplification and interaction of mobile phone design:

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Simplicity It's the ultimate sophistication.

It seems that keeping the interaction simple is much more difficult than keeping the mobile phone simple.

Finally, it’s a matter of accidental contact.

Although Huawei has tried its best to adapt this virtual button, in order to prevent accidental touches, you need to double-click the edge screen to wake up this function, but when the phone is placed in your pocket or the grip is changed repeatedly There is still a risk of accidental contact during operation.

What’s even more uncomfortable is that the double-click like function of many software does not adapt to the wake-up of the virtual volume keys, so users are forced to "accidentally touch" the like.


In addition to interaction, there are also considerable problems with maintenance.

When the waterfall screen of Huawei Mate 30 Pro is bumped or slipped, causing damage to the waterfall screen, it will cost 1,499 yuan to repair.

If it were just an increase in cost, it would still be barely acceptable - Apple’s repair prices have never been cheap.

But when repairs are full of risks, it can be very embarrassing.

On second-hand platforms, I have seen several Xiaomi Mix Alphas, and they were all in a "corpse" state.

It is not that there is any problem with the body, but due to battery failure, the phone has lost its energy supply and cannot be turned on.

Due to the large area of ​​​​the screen surround on Xiaomi Mix Alpha, the repair of the phone is very difficult. Any repair operation requires extreme care, especially in the disassembly and reinstallation of the screen and internal components. Be careful and you can cause additional damage.

Such a high maintenance risk is undoubtedly a huge burden for users.


After comprehensive consideration, the attempt of buttonless mobile phones, together with all other possibilities, quickly cooled down after multiple rounds of commercial verification. The designs and solutions of manufacturers began to converge. No one cares about the virtual button solution that is so close to the "imaginary mobile phone".

The emergence of AI and the development of hardware have brought new possibilities to buttonless mobile phones

The unification of mobile phone design strategies has almost buried buttonless mobile phones in the market Throughout history, people have turned to complex designs such as folding structures to pursue more form possibilities for mobile phones.

So, I was quite surprised when I saw the news that Xiaomi is developing a buttonless phone.

But on second thought, the development of AI and the advancement of button technology may have been able to help us solve some pain points.

The current AI recognition of human natural language has been unprecedentedly powerful. For example, Pixel’s Gemini assistant can already understand in context, and can also achieve more intelligent interaction methods on mobile phones through complex computing power support.

With the support of such computing power, new ways of interaction have emerged on smartphones. Through sensors such as microphones and cameras, mobile phones can capture and understand the user’s intentions in real time, know what we want to do, and proactively solve the problem. More questions.

This gives a possibility to kill the physical buttons.


At the same time, with the support of AI, it is natural to strengthen the recognition of natural human behavior.

Huawei has long launched the function of using gestures to operate mobile phones in the air. Through AI deep learning, the mobile phone can greatly improve the recognition of various gestures of users, providing similar or even richer physical buttons. functional experience.


In addition, AI may be able to do more to reduce users’ dependence on physical buttons, such as through light sensors, network form and connection status, and positioning. Determine the environment the user is in and adjust the volume to an appropriate level.

In the past five years, not only has the software made great progress, but the hardware has also made new progress.

The new camera button of iPhone 16 provides an inspiration: this button supports sliding and multi-level operations. At the same time, it is not a real button that can be pressed, but is similar to iPhone 8 and MacBook. The touchpad has a pressure sensor that gives users feedback through vibration.

There is also no mechanical structure. This design solution provides the possibility for the realization of virtual buttons: virtual buttons can undertake more interactions and functions through multiple states, eliminating the need for multiple buttons to achieve Functions are integrated into a few touch areas or virtual keys to optimize the overall design of the phone and reduce hardware complexity.


Nowadays, a Mix Alpha can be sold for tens of thousands on Xianyu, and there is no market for it.

Although there is an impact of scarcity, it cannot be denied: buttonless mobile phones, a highly anticipated solution since the early days of smartphone history, have still planted a seed in people's hearts despite repeated failures. .

Millet "Suzaku" is the bud that emerged from this seed after five years. Whether it can bloom new flowers and bear new fruits is worth looking forward to.


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