Firebase 產品的開源替代品
Supabase 函數:您的 PostgreSQL 工具箱
Supabase 函數,也稱為資料庫函數,本質上是 PostgreSQL 預存程序。它們是可執行的 SQL 程式碼區塊,可以從 SQL 查詢中呼叫。
相較之下,Edge 函數是在 Deno 運行時運行的伺服器端 TypeScript 函數。它們與 Firebase Cloud Functions 類似,但提供了更靈活和開源的替代方案。
Supabase:PostgreSQL 平台
除了作為 Firebase 的開源替代品之外,Supabase 已發展成為一個全面的 PostgreSQL 平台。它為 PostgreSQL 函數提供一流的支持,將它們無縫整合到其內建實用程式中,並允許您直接從 Supabase 儀表板建立和管理自訂函數。
基本 postgres 函數的結構
函數定義了一個名為 my_function 的簡單 SQL 函數,它會傳回整數值 42。這是一個示範 PostgreSQL 中函數定義的結構和語法的基本範例。
$$ 分隔符號用於以與語言無關的方式包圍函數體。
Postgres 函數也可以由 postgres TRIGGERS 調用,它們類似於函數,但對特定事件做出反應,例如表上的插入、更新或刪除
SELECT my_function();
SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'my_function';
DROP FUNCTION my_function();
Supabase 使用 postgres 函數在資料庫中執行某些任務。
-- list all the supabase functions SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc; -- filter for the session supabase functions function SELECT proname AS function_name, prokind AS function_type FROM pg_proc WHERE proname ILIKE '%session%'; -- selects the curremt jwt select auth.jwt() -- select what role is callig the function (anon or authenticated) select auth.role(); -- select the session user select session_use;
儀表板上的 Supabase 功能視圖
要在 Supabase 中查看其中一些功能,您可以在資料庫 > 下查看功能
在使用者註冊時建立 user_profile 表
Supabase 將使用者資料儲存在 auth.users 表中,該表是私有的,不應直接存取或修改。建議的方法是建立一個公共 users 或 user_profiles 表並將其連結到 auth.users 表。
雖然這可以使用客戶端 SDK 透過將建立使用者請求與成功的註冊請求連結起來來完成,但在 Supabase 端處理它會更可靠、更有效率。這可以使用觸發器和函數的組合來實現。
-- create the user_profiles table CREATE TABLE user_profiles ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES auth.users(id), name text, email text ); -- create a function that returns a trigger on auth.users CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.create_public_user_profile_table() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO public.user_profiles (id,name,email) VALUES (, NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'name', NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'email' -- other fields accessible here -- NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'name', -- NEW.raw_user_meta_data ->> 'picture', ); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- create the trigger that executes the function on every new user rowcteation(signup) CREATE TRIGGER create_public_user_profiles_trigger AFTER INSERT ON auth.users FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( NEW.raw_user_meta_data IS NOT NULL ) EXECUTE FUNCTION public.create_public_user_profile_table ();
let { data: user_profiles, error } = await supabase .from('user_profiles') .select('*')
-- Custom types create type public.app_permission as enum ('channels.delete', 'channels.update', 'messages.update', 'messages.delete'); create type public.app_role as enum ('admin', 'moderator'); -- USER ROLES create table public.user_roles ( id bigint generated by default as identity primary key, user_id uuid references public.users on delete cascade not null, role app_role not null, unique (user_id, role) ); comment on table public.user_roles is 'Application roles for each user.'; -- ROLE PERMISSIONS create table public.role_permissions ( id bigint generated by default as identity primary key, role app_role not null, permission app_permission not null, unique (role, permission) ); comment on table public.role_permissions is 'Application permissions for each role.';
id | user_id | role |
1 | user-1 | admin |
2 | user-2 | moderator |
example of a role permission table
id | role | permission |
1 | admin | channels.update |
2 | admin | messages.update |
3 | admin | messages.delete |
4 | admin | messages.delete |
5 | moderator | channels.update |
6 | moderator | messages.update |
user with user_id = user-1 will have admin and moderator roles and can delete channels and messages
users with user_id = user-2 can only update channels and messages with the moderator role
-- Create the auth hook function create or replace function public.custom_access_token_hook(event jsonb) returns jsonb language plpgsql stable as $$ declare claims jsonb; user_role public.app_role; begin -- Fetch the user role in the user_roles table select role into user_role from public.user_roles where user_id = (event->>'user_id')::uuid; claims := event->'claims'; if user_role is not null then -- Set the claim claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{user_role}', to_jsonb(user_role)); else claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{user_role}', 'null'); end if; -- Update the 'claims' object in the original event event := jsonb_set(event, '{claims}', claims); -- Return the modified or original event return event; end; $$; grant usage on schema public to supabase_auth_admin; grant execute on function public.custom_access_token_hook to supabase_auth_admin; revoke execute on function public.custom_access_token_hook from authenticated, anon, public; grant all on table public.user_roles to supabase_auth_admin; revoke all on table public.user_roles from authenticated, anon, public; create policy "Allow auth admin to read user roles" ON public.user_roles as permissive for select to supabase_auth_admin using (true)
then create a function that will be called to authorize on RLS policies
create or replace function public.authorize( requested_permission app_permission ) returns boolean as $$ declare bind_permissions int; user_role public.app_role; begin -- Fetch user role once and store it to reduce number of calls select (auth.jwt() ->> 'user_role')::public.app_role into user_role; select count(*) into bind_permissions from public.role_permissions where role_permissions.permission = requested_permission and role_permissions.role = user_role; return bind_permissions > 0; end; $$ language plpgsql stable security definer set search_path = ''; -- example RLS policies create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.channels for delete using ( (SELECT authorize('channels.delete')) ); create policy "Allow authorized delete access" on public.messages for delete using ( (SELECT authorize('messages.delete')) );
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Creating RPC Endpoints
Supabase functions can be invoked using the rpc function. This is especially useful for writing custom SQL queries when the built-in PostgreSQL APIs are insufficient, such as calculating vector cosine similarity using pg_vector.
create or replace function match_documents ( query_embedding vector(384), match_threshold float, match_count int ) returns table ( id bigint, title text, body text, similarity float ) language sql stable as $$ select, documents.title, documents.body, 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) as similarity from documents where 1 - (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) > match_threshold order by (documents.embedding <=> query_embedding) asc limit match_count; $$;
and call it client side
const { data: documents } = await supabaseClient.rpc('match_documents', { query_embedding: embedding, // Pass the embedding you want to compare match_threshold: 0.78, // Choose an appropriate threshold for your data match_count: 10, // Choose the number of matches })
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Filtering Out Columns
To prevent certain columns from being modified on the client, create a simple function that triggers on every insert. This function can omit any extra fields the user might send in the request.
-- check if user with roles authenticated or anon submitted an updatedat column and replace it with the current time , if not (thta is an admin) allow it CREATE or REPLACE function public.omit_updated__at () returns trigger as $$ BEGIN IF auth.role() IS NOT NULL AND auth.role() IN ('anon', 'authenticated') THEN NEW.updated_at = now(); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ language plpgsql;
With a little experimentation, you can unlock the power of Supabase functions and their AI-powered SQL editor. This lowers the barrier to entry for the niche knowledge required to get this working.
Why choose Supabase functions?
以上是SUPABASE 函數(非邊緣)的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!