介紹一位新的國防操作員,他可以遠端控制兩個機器人。 《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》第 9 年第 3 季將於 9 月 10 日開始

發布: 2024-08-26 21:46:05
206 人瀏覽過

今天(2024 年 8 月 26 日),育碧宣布推出戰術 FPS《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》(PC / PS5 / Xbox Series X|S / PS4 / Xbox One)。將於9 月 10 日(歐洲中部時間)推出。

2体のロボットを遠隔操作する新防衛オペレータが登場。「レインボーシックス シージ」,Year9 シーズン3は9月10日に開幕
PCX-33 和副武器P229 。一個在運作時,另一個作為監控工具,使其能夠有效地收集資訊和提供支援。

此外,還將進行以 5 人隊伍進行的錦標賽「攻城盃」的 Beta 測試,以及操作員調整和 AI 訓練更新。 詳情請查看下面的發布聲明。
2体のロボットを遠隔操作する新防衛オペレータが登場。「レインボーシックス シージ」,Year9 シーズン3は9月10日に開幕




育碧公司宣布《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》第 9 年第 3 季「雙殼行動」將於 9 月 10 日(歐洲中部時間)開始。第 3 季包括來自希臘的新幹員 Skopós、攻城盃測試版、重要的遊戲更新以及改進的反作弊功能。

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"Operation Twin Shells" introduces a new defense operator, Skopós, and her gadget, the V10 Pantheon Shell, which will greatly change the tide of battle. This gadget consists of two girlfriends, Talos and Colossus, which Skopós can remotely control and switch between on the fly to support his team's attacks and defenses in different areas of the map. Although Skopós can only control one shell at a time as an operator, the other shell also acts as a reconnaissance tool, providing both intelligence and support. Although she does not participate in battle herself, the Pantheon Shells are operators with 2 speed and 2 health, and are equipped with the new assault rifle PCX-33 as their main weapon and the P229 as their sub-weapon.Year 9 Season 3 introduces the Siege Cup Beta, adding new excitement to the competitive Rainbow Six Siege experience. Siege Cup is the most competitive playlist held every two weeks, where squads of five players are divided based on skill and compete in tournaments to earn rewards. In addition, players who participate in Siege Cup and Ranked playlists will receive Competitive Coins, which can be redeemed for exclusive seasonal items. The Siege Cup beta will initially run on PC only in Western Europe and North America to test servers and ensure a fair playing environment before the official launch.Fairness and strategy remain the core of Rainbow Six Siege, but security improvements are also important. Our anti-cheat development team continues to focus on testing and supporting new security updates. Among them are binary hardening andThere are enhancements to the QB system that will hinder the development and use of cheats while making it harder to create new ones. This is a long-term measure that will be updated frequently to ensure a fair playing environment for Rainbow Six Siege. Learn more about player protection here.Operation Twin Shells also includes the second round of balance changes for Solis, as well as adjustments to attack operators Nøkk and Dokkaebi. Solis' SPEC-IO electrosensor is now designed to only detect devices in the central field of view. Scanning for detected devices will be replaced by a feature called "overclocking," which has a limited number of uses and cannot be interrupted, and nearby enemy reconnaissance tools will be alerted to the presence of Solis. . We also made adjustments to Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb and Nøkk's HEL Presence Reduction based on player feedback.Rainbow Six Siege revisits its core strategic gameplay experience over and over again, updated with new training and introductory features. With the advent of VS AI2.0, it is now possible to defend bomb areas against AI attack operators. This joins the Defense AI added in Year 8 Season 4, allowing for more comprehensive training. This update allows players old and new to hone their skills in a precise and challenging environment, making it ideal for pre-competition practice.Other updates coming this season include comfort of play improvements. The revamped Post-Match Report 2.0 now clearly presents meaningful and relevant post-match information. In addition, drones have been given a boost function, increasing their movement speed and improving their intelligence-gathering capabilities.“Rainbow Six Siege” is currently available on PlayStation4, PlayStation5, Xbox One, Xbox Series It's playable. For more information on Rainbow Six Siege, please visit the official website.

以上是介紹一位新的國防操作員,他可以遠端控制兩個機器人。 《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》第 9 年第 3 季將於 9 月 10 日開始的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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