報道「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」的竣工派對,開發團隊慶祝新作品的完成。 TATSUJIN Kenya Uemura 的吉他演奏

發布: 2024-08-26 19:41:19
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TATSUJIN將於2024年11月28日向有興趣的人士發售《SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND》(PS5 / PS4 / Switch)「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND完成發表會」將於8月23日舉行。

開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

會場是位於秋葉原的TOKYO VIDEO GAMERS,邀請了許多遊戲界人士、媒體、網紅,並與他們進行了愉快的互動。本報報導了這一情況。

會場 TOKYO VIDEO GAMERS 將匯集遊戲產業的一些知名人士。活動在TATSUJIN植村先生的祝酒聲中拉開序幕
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

這是一款以Toa Plan於1990年發行的街機遊戲《雪兄弟》為基礎的新動作遊戲。 《雪兄弟》是一款關卡動作遊戲,你控制雪人尼克和湯姆,將敵人變成雪球來擊敗他們,但本作延續了「把敵人扔成雪球」的動作,也進化成了。一款自上而下的 3D 動作遊戲。玩家控制「小尼克」

開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

獲得英雄之力後,兩人成為新的雪兄弟 作為一款遊戲,本作有6個由多個區域組成的「世界」
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も
If you throw snow at an enemy, that enemy will turn into a large snowball that you can roll or throw. The snowball you throw will roll around, engulfing other enemies, and reflect when it hits a wall. And then it keeps rolling again. If you involve enemies while rolling, it will become a combo and your score will increase rapidly. Defeated enemies turn into bonus items such as sushi, so if you capture them, you can earn even more points.

If you throw snow at an enemy, it becomes a snowball. Roll it and defeat the enemy before it breaks
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

The rolling snowballs reflect and become combos when they involve other enemies. It is also possible to change the rolling trajectory with a kick
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

There are also various gimmicks along the way in the world. In addition to moving forward by making good use of moving floors and trampolines, you can also recover your physical strength by soaking in hot springs. There also seem to be puzzle-like gimmicks, such as throwing large snowballs at enemies high up on the stage to defeat them, or flipping a switch to activate a gimmick.

You can also throw snowballs to different places
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

Bathing in a hot spring will restore your physical strength
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

Also, the scores obtained in the world will be converted into "Sushi Coins" when you clear the world, and you can use them to obtain "Abilities". There also seems to be a training element that uses this to conquer difficult areas. There are also costumes that can be obtained from the gift box, allowing you to customize the character's appearance to your liking.

Score items such as sushi and rice bags have the traditional Japanese style of the series
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

There are also character development elements such as abilities and costumes
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

According to director Kenichi Imaeda, who was present at the venue, this title retains the rules and play feel of the original ``Snow Brothers,'' but has been transformed into a 3D action game. In addition to the action of rolling snowballs to defeat enemies, the stage structure was also designed with the original in mind, and by dividing the world into areas, it inherited the feeling of clearing stages one after another.

Kenichi Imaeda, director of “SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND”
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

In addition, in the process of evolving from 2D to 3D, they were conscious of the ``Super Mario Bros.'' series, and the aim was not just to create 3D graphics on the screen, but to create a meaningful game design that was expressed in 3D. . He also said that by creating content that appeals to both old fans and new players, he hopes that a chemical reaction will occur, and that this will be the first step for the new Snow Brothers.

At the venue, Gravity Game Arise's upcoming release "SNOW BROS.2 SPECIAL" was also unveiled. This is a remake of the sequel "Snow Brothers 2 (Otenki Paradise)" released in 1994, and is a fixed-screen action game in which up to four players can participate. The game content of rolling snowballs to defeat enemies is still intact, and in addition to improved graphics, online play and new modes have also been added.

"SNOW BROS. 2 SPECIAL" title screen
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

Gravity Game Arise Producer Shinyasu Hayashi
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

Currently, only the ``Arcade Mode'' , which follows the original game content, has been revealed, but it seems that other game modes such as ``Survival'', ``Time Attack'', and ``Sky Run'' are also available. Please look forward to the follow-up report.

This is a fixed screen stage clear type that follows the content of the arcade version
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

The variety of characters that appear is one of the charms of "SNOW BROS. 2 SPECIAL". It also supports online play and plans to support cross-platform matching.
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も
Additionally, TOKYO VIDEO GAMERS, the venue for the event, will be offering special ice cream to commemorate the release of the new "Snow Brothers" from August 24th to November 28th. The motif is Nick and Tom, and the price is 850 yen including tax. If you order again, you'll receive a special Nick or Tom sticker.

Snow Brothers Ice Cream offered during the period
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

The heroine, Princess Winda, was also present at the venue
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も

At the end of the event, there was also a guitar performance by TATSUJIN's Kenya Uemura. Mr. Uemura is also a former composer who belonged to Toa Plan, and has composed music for various works by the company. At the venue, songs such as ``Hellfire'', ``Dogün!!'', ``Zero Wing'', and ``Ultimate Tiger'' that he had composed were played, and the venue was filled with excitement.

Mr. Uemura plays a song he wrote himself. A guitar melody played a familiar melody to fans
開発陣らが新作完成を祝った「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」完成披露パーティーをレポート。TATSUJIN上村建也氏によるギター演奏も
Mr. Uemura is also scheduled to appear on event stages such as "RETRO GAME SUMMIT Lv.3" to be held on November 30th and "TATSUJIN Festival" scheduled for March 15th, 2025. If you want to hear a live performance, why not stop by?

以上是報道「SNOW BROS. WONDERLAND」的竣工派對,開發團隊慶祝新作品的完成。 TATSUJIN Kenya Uemura 的吉他演奏的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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