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Coinbase 將於 8 月 29 日增加對 Render (RENDER)、Saga (SAGA) 和 Threshold (T) 永續合約的支持

發布: 2024-08-23 18:25:17
348 人瀏覽過

Coinbase 宣布推出 Render (RENDER)、Saga (SAGA) 和 Threshold (T) 永續期貨合約。預計八月開始交易

Coinbase 將於 8 月 29 日增加對 Render (RENDER)、Saga (SAGA) 和 Threshold (T) 永續合約的支持

Coinbase 宣佈在 Coinbase International Exchange 和 Coinbase Advanced 上增加 Render (RENDER)、Saga (SAGA) 和 Threshold (T) 的永續合約。

Coinbase 將於世界標準時間 2024 年 8 月 29 日上午 9:30 或之後開放 RENDER-PERP、SAGA-PERP 和 T-PERP 市場。

Coinbase 也將於 8 月 28 日開始推出免費 EURC 轉換服務,並增加對 Polygon 生態系統代幣(POL)的支援。

Coinbase 宣佈在 Coinbase International Exchange 和 Coinbase Advanced 上增加 Render、Saga 和 Threshold 的永續合約。

Coinbase 將於世界標準時間 2024 年 8 月 29 日上午 9:30 或之後開放 RENDER-PERP、SAGA-PERP 和 T-PERP 市場。

「在Coinbase International Exchange 和Coinbase Advanced 上開設新的永續期貨市場受到流動性條件的限制,並且這些市場可能會晚於上述時間は開市。請注意,Coinbase.com 或Coinbase 錢包上不提供永續期貨市場。

Coinbase 也將於 8 月 28 日開始推出免費 EURC 兌換服務,以符合歐盟的 MiCA 法規並促進歐盟境內的交易更加便利。

Coinbase 正在增加對 Polygon 生態系統代幣(POL)的支持,進一步擴展其生態系統和整合能力。

此舉正值 Coinbase 擴大其金融產品範圍之際,永續期貨是其中的關鍵補充。這些合約不像傳統期貨那樣有時間限制,旨在增加交易機會並提高流動性。

Coinbase 決定為這些代幣推出永續期貨,預計將提升其市場表現。

Coinbase 的宣布以及 Render、Saga 和 Threshold 永續期貨的推出將對其市場表現產生重大影響。


This development is bound to pique the interest of traders and investors alike, especially in light of the varying price trends for these cryptocurrencies in recent times.

Here's a quick look at how Render, Saga, and Threshold prices are faring.

Render (RENDER) price today soared to a high of $5.06 following the Coinbase announcement. At press time, Render had slightly pulled back to trade at $4.98, showing an 8% price increase over the past 24 hours and a 10% rise over the past 7 days, with an average trading volume of $64.65 million.

Saga (SAGA) price also saw a positive trend, rising by 3% to trade at $1.27, despite recent bearish trends. The token's price increase can be attributed to increased investor interest following the Coinbase announcement. Notably, SAGA also saw a trading volume increase of 41% to reach $34.43 million.

Threshold (T) price also saw a slight rise of about 2%, trading at around $0.02361. Threshold's market capitalization was at $229.50 million, with a trading volume that decreased slightly by 3% to reach $11.10 million, indicating a bullish sentiment among traders.

以上是Coinbase 將於 8 月 29 日增加對 Render (RENDER)、Saga (SAGA) 和 Threshold (T) 永續合約的支持的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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