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Hash Tables : Collisions, Resizing, Hashing

假設理解大O表示法。 JavaScript 中有範例。資料參考 Gayle Laakmann McDowell 的《破解編碼面試》










  • Deterministic:對於給定的輸入,它應該始終產生相同的雜湊輸出。
  • 均勻分佈:它應該在其輸出範圍內盡可能均勻地映射預期輸入。
  • 高效:計算應該很快。
  • 雪崩效應:輸入的微小變化應該會導致雜湊輸出顯著不同。



  1. 碰撞處理:使用鍊錶陣列的主要原因是為了有效地處理碰撞。當兩個鍵散列並映射到同一個索引時,我們只需將新的鍵值對新增到該索引處的鍊錶即可。
  2. 空間效率:它允許雜湊表儲存比底層陣列大小更多的項目。每個數組槽可以透過其鍊錶保存多個項目。

在此範例中,鍵 1 和 2 雜湊到索引 0,而鍵 4、5 和 6 全部雜湊到索引 2。



  1. 插入鍵(任何值)時,我們先計算鍵的雜湊碼(通常是int或long)。兩個不同的鍵可能具有相同的雜湊碼,因為可能有無限的鍵和有限的整數。

  2. 將雜湊碼對應到陣列中的索引。將雜湊碼對應到陣列的常用方法是使用模運算子。 (例如,hash(key) % array.length))。使用此方法,兩個不同的雜湊碼可能會對應到同一個索引。

  3. 在索引處,有一個鍵和值的鍊錶。將鍵值對儲存在此索引處。當鍵具有相同的雜湊碼或雜湊碼映射到相同的索引時,就會發生衝突。



假設實現良好,存取鍵值對(插入和刪除也是如此),需要 O ## O # #) O(1) ## .

What Makes a Hash Table Implementation "Good"?

A well-implemented hash table should balance efficiency, space utilization, and collision handling. Here are the key factors that contribute to a good hash table implementation:

A Good Hash Function

The heart of any hash table is its hash function. A good hash function should:

  • Be quick to compute
  • Minimize collisions

Optimal Load Factor

Theload factoris the ratio of filled slots to total slots in the hash table. Maintaining an appropriate load factor is crucial:

A typicalsweet spotis between 0.6 and 0.75

  • Too low (< 0.5): Wastes space
  • Too high (> 0.8): Increases collision risk

Collision Resolution Techniques

Two primary methods for handling collisions are:

  1. Chaining: Each table position stores a linked list of collided items. Simple to implement but can lead to slower lookups if chains become long.

  2. Open Addressing: If a collision occurs, look for the next available slot. Keeps all data in the table but requires careful implementation to avoid clustering of stored data.

Note that chaining and open-addressing cannot coexist easily. Logically, it would not make sense to look for the next available slot but store collided items at a specific index.

Dynamic Resizing

As the number of elements grows, the hash table should resize to maintain performance:

Typically, the table size is doubled when the load factor exceeds a threshold. All elements need to be rehashed into the new, larger table.

This operation is expensive but infrequent, keeping the amortized time complexity at O(1).

JavaScript Implementation

This implementation will utilize resizing and chaining for collision resolution. We will assume that our keys are integers.

For the hash function + mapping, we will keep it very simple and simply perform the following given a key:

k e y % a r r a y c a p a c i t y key \hspace{0.2cm} \% \hspace{0.2cm} array \hspace{0.1cm} capacity key%arraycapacity

Classical OOP

class HashNode { constructor(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.next = null; } } class HashTable { constructor(capacity = 16) { this.capacity = capacity; this.size = 0; this.buckets = new Array(this.capacity).fill(null); this.threshold = 0.75; } hash(key) { return key % this.capacity; } insert(key, value) { const index = this.hash(key); if (!this.buckets[index]) { this.buckets[index] = new HashNode(key, value); this.size++; } else { let currentNode = this.buckets[index]; while (currentNode.next) { if (currentNode.key === key) { currentNode.value = value; return; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } if (currentNode.key === key) { currentNode.value = value; } else { currentNode.next = new HashNode(key, value); this.size++; } } if (this.size / this.capacity >= this.threshold) { this.resize(); } } get(key) { const index = this.hash(key); let currentNode = this.buckets[index]; while (currentNode) { if (currentNode.key === key) { return currentNode.value; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } return undefined; } remove(key) { const index = this.hash(key); if (!this.buckets[index]) { return false; } if (this.buckets[index].key === key) { this.buckets[index] = this.buckets[index].next; this.size--; return true; } let currentNode = this.buckets[index]; while (currentNode.next) { if (currentNode.next.key === key) { currentNode.next = currentNode.next.next; this.size--; return true; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } return false; } resize() { const newCapacity = this.capacity * 2; const newBuckets = new Array(newCapacity).fill(null); this.buckets.forEach(head => { while (head) { const newIndex = head.key % newCapacity; const next = head.next; head.next = newBuckets[newIndex]; newBuckets[newIndex] = head; head = next; } }); this.buckets = newBuckets; this.capacity = newCapacity; } getSize() { return this.size; } getCapacity() { return this.capacity; } }

Functional OOP

function createHashTable(initialCapacity = 16) { let capacity = initialCapacity; let size = 0; let buckets = new Array(capacity).fill(null); const threshold = 0.75; function hash(key) { return key % capacity; } function resize() { const newCapacity = capacity * 2; const newBuckets = new Array(newCapacity).fill(null); buckets.forEach(function(head) { while (head) { const newIndex = head.key % newCapacity; const next = head.next; head.next = newBuckets[newIndex]; newBuckets[newIndex] = head; head = next; } }); buckets = newBuckets; capacity = newCapacity; } return { insert: function(key, value) { const index = hash(key); const newNode = { key, value, next: null }; if (!buckets[index]) { buckets[index] = newNode; size++; } else { let currentNode = buckets[index]; while (currentNode.next) { if (currentNode.key === key) { currentNode.value = value; return; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } if (currentNode.key === key) { currentNode.value = value; } else { currentNode.next = newNode; size++; } } if (size / capacity >= threshold) { resize(); } }, get: function(key) { const index = hash(key); let currentNode = buckets[index]; while (currentNode) { if (currentNode.key === key) { return currentNode.value; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } return undefined; }, remove: function(key) { const index = hash(key); if (!buckets[index]) { return false; } if (buckets[index].key === key) { buckets[index] = buckets[index].next; size--; return true; } let currentNode = buckets[index]; while (currentNode.next) { if (currentNode.next.key === key) { currentNode.next = currentNode.next.next; size--; return true; } currentNode = currentNode.next; } return false; }, getSize: function() { return size; }, getCapacity: function() { return capacity; } }; }


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