本站 8 月 16 日消息,各大廠商此前基本上都已經推出自家 CAMM2 內存,例如微星、華擎、華碩 6 月還在台北電腦展上公佈了支援 CAMM2 內存的特別款英特爾主機板。
隨著桌上型電腦開始支援 CAMM2 內存,微星官方今日發布了一段視頻,為大家介紹了該平台的優勢所在。
相比於傳統的SO-DIMM 記憶體模組,CAMM2 記憶體擁有更短的走線,從而帶來了更高的訊號完整性、更快的速度、更低的延遲、更酷更新的設計。
. PMIC),從而實現了功耗和發熱的有效降低,因此無需散熱片也可以使用(而且外形決定了它也不會擋住CPU 的散熱風道),再加上單個內存條即可實現雙通道操作,從而有助於降低整體成本。 當然,發熱少不代表它不發熱,例如之前已經有廠商為 CAMM2 DDR5 內存提供一些新穎的散熱方案,甚至Bitspower 還展示了用於 CAMM2 內存的定制水冷頭,略顯誇張。 同時,主機板廠商也推出了自家散熱方案,例如微星Z790 Project ZERO PLUS 散熱器(與DIY-APE 合作設計)、華碩ROG Maximus Z890 集熱條件8000 MT/s 的CAMM2 DDR5 記憶體溫度低於50℃)、技嘉Taichi OC Formula CAMM2 設計等等。 CAMM2還有一點優點在於,其連接器採用「可更換」設計。現在的主機板只要 SO-DIMM 內存插槽歪了或損壞(不提倡暴力拔插)就必須返廠維修,而 CAMM2 內存只需要換個新連接器(兼容所有主機板和平台)就可以了。It is worth mentioning that the CAMM2 memory used on desktop computers adopts a dual-channel design. One memory can achieve dual-channel configuration, but because it is installed flat, the back also needs to ensure heat dissipation.
Since the appearance of CAMM2 is different from SO-DIMM memory, the motherboard also needs to be redesigned, and it will look slightly wider on the motherboard; at the same time, the 24pin connector has been moved to the motherboard The top instead of right next to the DIMM slot like before.
Since CAMM2 memory is still an early product, it will still be expensive and difficult to buy at this stage, and the installation is slightly more complicated (refer to M.2 hard drive, which needs to be fixed with screws), but JEDEC and its partners have Researching tool-free disassembly and assembly design.
Finally, MSI also showed off DDR5-7200 CAMM2 memory running on its Z790 PROJECT PLUS motherboard, predicting that CAMM2 memory based on the (LP) DDR6 standard will debut in 2026.
以上是微星介紹 CAMM2 DDR5 記憶體對桌上型電腦的優勢:速度更快、延遲更低、設計更新穎的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!