中國,上海-2024年8月11日,索尼(中國)有限公司(下稱:索尼)官方贊助的“2024上海明日之星籃球爭冠賽” 的季軍爭奪戰和總決賽在上海體育館成功舉行。索尼為本屆賽事提供包括IRS(即時重播)系統、「子彈時間(Bullet time)」拍攝技術的專業體育服務,確保賽事的公正性和觀賞性。在比賽間歇時間,由索尼便攜動作捕捉產品mocopi抓取啦啦隊隊員動作所形成的虛擬形象Raynos醬舞蹈,也在現場大屏上盡情展現。 Creative Products)旗下IP鬍子碰碰(OHIGE no PON)的人偶也到現場與觀眾互動,為比賽加油。場外特設索尼PlayStation主機遊戲、索尼空間現實顯示器(SRD)、索尼便攜動作捕捉產品mocopi以及數位影像產品的體驗區,觀眾在觀賽間隙紛紛打卡體驗。索尼中國總裁吉田武司出席並觀看了當日的比賽,並為獲得季軍的澳洲U18精英隊頒發了獎牌。
塔2035月小組賽現場此次,索尼作為官方贊助商,為該賽事的半決賽,季軍賽以及總決賽提供了包括基於SMART(Synchronized Multi- Angle Replay Technology 同步多角度回放)技術的IRS(Instant Review Systems 即時重播)系統的專業體育服務。該系統可即時攝取並同步記錄比賽畫面,讓裁判員可以從任意角度回看比賽場景,從而做出更準確、公正的判罰,這也是國內首次將IRS系統引入到高水平國際青少年籃球賽事當中。目前,IRS系統已經廣泛服務於歐洲籃球聯賽,日本籃球聯賽,以及美國NBA籃球聯賽等大型國際籃球賽事,並獲得了用戶的高度認可。
索尼專業的數位影像產品與解決方案,包括各種專業攝影機與轉播設備,皆致力於為體育界提供一流的體育賽事製播、數位化解決方案及體育娛樂服務。本次比賽現場官方攝影師也使用了索尼首款全域快門全片幅速度新旗艦Alpha 9 III使用的索尼場外體驗區展示的索尼先進的Alpha™全片幅微單相機、E卡口鏡頭群,也是眾多專業體育攝影師的選擇,幫助他們捕捉體育賽場上的每一個精彩瞬間。
攝影師使用索尼Alpha 9體驗
Tatsuo Eguchi drew a grand prize for a lucky audience to win a PlayStation 5 game console
In the PlayStation game experience area outside the venue, many viewers also lined up to experience the NBA basketball game "NBA 2K24" and participated in the check-in lottery and won "NBA 2K24” scarves and other game peripherals and mustache bumper stickers and other gifts.
The audience experienced the game in the off-site experience area
The audience was given Sony peripheral gifts during the midfield
Work together to help the development of China's sports industry
Under the strategic background of Healthy China, China Sports The development of the industry has attracted more and more attention. According to the "Outline for Building a Powerful Sports Nation", the sports industry will become a pillar industry of the national economy by 2035. In recent years, the integration of sports with culture, technology, tourism and other fields has gradually deepened. New formats, new scenarios, and new models in the sports industry are constantly developing.
Sony is currently actively developing sports business around the world, and owns Beyond Sports business companies such as Sports and Pulselive provide professional services such as video assistant referees and semi-automatic offside, as well as digital event experience operation services for various world-class international super events.
Sony hopes that through this cooperation with the Rising Stars Basketball Championship, it will continue to provide more diversified products and services for the development of China's sports industry. Leveraging the synergistic advantages of Sony's advanced sports technology and rich entertainment content, it combines the real and virtual worlds to make event operation, production and broadcasting, viewing, and fan communication more creative and interesting. Inject new vitality into the sustainable development of the sports entertainment industry.