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amass 使用教程

發布: 2024-08-15 15:12:20
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How to use amass for advanced subdomain enumeration?

Amass is a powerful tool for subdomain enumeration and asset discovery. To use it for advanced subdomain enumeration, follow these steps:

  1. Install Amass:Install amass using your preferred method, such as Docker or a package manager.
  2. Set your target:Specify the domain you want to enumerate subdomains for using the-dflag. For example:amass enum -d example.com.
  3. Configure options:Customize the enumeration process by setting various options and flags. For advanced usage, consider:

    • -bl: Enable brute-force listing of common subdomains.
    • -passive: Perform passive enumeration using external sources like search engines and certificate transparency logs.
    • -active: Conduct active DNS zone transfers to gather subdomains.
    • -alt-dns: Use alternative DNS providers to bypass potential blocking.
    • -timeout: Set the timeout for DNS queries to avoid delays.
  4. Output results:Save the enumerated subdomains to a file using the-oflag, or view them in the terminal.

What are the best options and flags to use with amass?

For optimal results, consider using the following options and flags with amass:

  • -exclude: Exclude specific subdomains or regular expressions from the enumeration.
  • -w: Define a custom wordlist containing common subdomains or keywords.
  • -bff: Brute-force subdomains based on a provided dictionary.
  • -min: Set a minimum length for subdomain names.
  • -max: Set a maximum length for subdomain names.
  • -o: Output the results to a specified file in various formats, such as JSON, CSV, or text.
  • -v: Enable verbose output for detailed logging.

Can amass be used to identify hidden or undisclosed subdomains?

Yes, amass can assist in identifying hidden or undisclosed subdomains by employing techniques like:

  • Passive enumeration:Scouring external sources like search engines and certificate transparency logs for subdomains that may not be readily discoverable.
  • DNS zone transfers:In certain circumstances, where the DNS zone has not been secured, amass can perform zone transfers to gather comprehensive subdomain information.
  • Brute-force listing:Amass can leverage a list of common or customized subdomains to iteratively query the target domain, potentially revealing hidden entries.

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