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ts extends詳細用法

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TypeScript 的 extends 關鍵字允許將屬性和方法從基底類別繼承到衍生類別。雖然有利於程式碼重用和多態性,但它也有缺點,例如缺乏多重繼承、緊密耦合和抽象 l

ts extends詳細用法

如何利用 extends 關鍵字繼承 TypeScript 中的功能和屬性?

In TypeScript 中,extends 關鍵字用於建立從基底類別(或父類別)繼承屬性和方法的衍生類別(或子類別)。若要使用 extends 關鍵字繼承基底類,可以依照下列步驟操作:extends keyword is used to create a derived class (or child class) that inherits properties and methods from a base class (or parent class). To inherit from a base class using the extends keyword, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the base class with its properties and methods.
  2. Use the extends keyword to define a derived class, specifying the base class as the parent class.
  3. Access the properties and methods of the base class within the derived class using the super keyword.

For example, consider the following base class:

<code>class Animal {
  name: string;
  age: number;

  constructor(name: string, age: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

  speak() {
    console.log("Animal speaks");

To create a derived class that inherits from the Animal class, we can use the extends keyword as follows:

<code>class Dog extends Animal {
  breed: string;

  constructor(name: string, age: number, breed: string) {
    super(name, age);  // Call the base class constructor
    this.breed = breed;

  speak() {
    console.log("Dog barks");

In the Dog class, we extend the Animal class, inheriting its properties and methods. We can access the name and age properties inherited from the Animal class using the super keyword, and we can also define new properties and methods specific to the Dog class, such as the breed property and the speak method.

What are the drawbacks and limitations of using the extends keyword in TypeScript?

The extends keyword in TypeScript is a powerful tool for inheriting functionality and properties from a base class, but it also has some drawbacks and limitations to consider:

  • Multiple inheritance is not supported: TypeScript does not support multiple inheritance, which means that a derived class can only inherit from a single base class.
  • Tight coupling: Classes that use the extends keyword are tightly coupled to their base classes. Changes made to the base class can affect the derived class, potentially breaking its functionality.
  • Lack of abstraction: Derived classes that rely heavily on the implementation details of their base classes can lack abstraction, making it difficult to maintain and extend the codebase.

When and why should I prefer using the extends keyword over other inheritance mechanisms in TypeScript?

The extends

  • 使用 extends 關鍵字定義派生類,指定基底類別為父類。
  • 在衍生類別中使用 super 關鍵字存取基底類別的屬性和方法。
  • 例如,考慮以下基類:
  • rrreee
要建立繼承於Animal 類別的派生類,我們可以使用extends 關鍵字,如下所示:


Dog 類別中,我們擴展了Animal 類,繼承了它的屬性和方法。我們可以使用super 關鍵字存取從Animal 類別繼承的nameage 屬性,我們也可以定義特定於Dog 類別的新屬性和方法,例如breed 屬性和speak 方法。
  • 有哪些缺點和在 TypeScript 中使用 extends 關鍵字的限制?
  • TypeScript 中的extends 關鍵字是從基類繼承功能和屬性的強大工具,但它也有一些缺點和限制需要考慮:
不支援多重繼承:🎜 TypeScript 不支援多重繼承,這意味著派生類別只能從單一基底類別繼承。 🎜🎜🎜緊密耦合:🎜 使用 extends的類別> 關鍵字與其基底類別緊密耦合。對基底類別所做的變更可能會影響衍生類別,可能會破壞其功能。 🎜🎜🎜缺乏抽象:🎜嚴重依賴基底類別實作細節的衍生類別可能缺乏抽象,從而難以維護和擴展程式碼庫。 🎜🎜🎜🎜在 TypeScript 中,我何時以及為什麼應該更喜歡使用 extends 關鍵字而不是其他繼承機制? 🎜🎜🎜extends 關鍵字是 TypeScript 中使用最廣泛的繼承機制。它適用於以下情況:🎜🎜🎜您想要在類別之間建立層次關係,派生類別從其基底類別繼承屬性和方法。 🎜🎜您想要跨多個類別重複使用通用功能,這可以提高程式碼的可維護性和減少重複。 🎜🎜您需要建立多態行為,其中衍生類別的物件可以被視為其基底類別的物件。 🎜🎜🎜但是,在某些情況下,其他繼承機制(例如 mixin 或組合)可能會更有效。適當的:🎜🎜🎜🎜Mixins:🎜 Mixins 可讓您為現有類別新增功能,而無需建立新的類別層次結構。當您需要擴展多個不相關的類別的功能時,這非常有用。 🎜🎜🎜組合:🎜組合涉及使用現有物件建立新對象,而不是建立類別層次結構。當您需要組合多個類別的功能而不建立深層類別層次結構時,這非常有用。 🎜🎜

以上是ts extends詳細用法的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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