適合 4 人的最佳 PHP 微框架

發布: 2024-08-08 06:39:12
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Best PHP Micro Frameworks for 4

2024 年最佳 PHP 微框架


現在是 2024 年 8 月,是時候進行另一個框架比較了!在 Web 開發領域,PHP 微框架已成為希望創建輕量級、高效且快速的應用程式的開發人員的熱門選擇。這些框架提供了建立 Web 應用程式所需的核心功能,而無需全端框架的開銷。使用此框架開發的許多專案都是為了創建 RESTful API,並且它們已經過最佳化以滿足這些專案的需求。本文將比較五種受歡迎的 PHP 微框架:Slim、Flight、Fat-Free、Silex 和 Lumen。我們將根據社區級別、簡單性、性能和易用性對它們進行檢查,以幫助您決定哪一個最適合您的專案。



Slim 是 PHP 微框架中最活躍的社群之一。憑藉大量的貢獻者和廣泛的文檔,可以輕鬆找到支援、資源和範例專案。


Slim 的設計簡單直覺。它採用簡單的方法,允許開發人員快速設定路由和中間件。對於輕量級框架來說,它確實有幾個依賴項,這可能會讓一些開發人員望而卻步。它還需要額外的開箱即用的套件配置,以使其能夠以對大多數開發人員有用的方式處理請求和回應。


由於其輕量級的特性,Slim 與全端框架相比具有高性能。儘管它不包含不必要的功能,但就性能而言,它是較重的微框架之一。


易於使用是 Slim 最強的點之一。其清晰的文檔和範例使其易於上手。該框架還支援PSR-7和PSR-15標準,使其相容於各種中間件和組件。



Flight 有一個規模較小但專注的社區。雖然沒有 Slim 那麼大,但它仍然透過聊天和 GitHub 提供良好的支援。


Flight 以其極簡主義而自豪。它的 API 乾淨簡潔,允許開發人員快速建立應用程序,而不會陷入複雜性的困境。它的文檔最近經過了修改,現在比以往更加用戶友好。


Flight 的設計簡約,性能穩定。它避免增加開銷,確保應用程式的快速回應時間。根據 TechEmpower 基準測試,在此處的所有框架中,Flight 始終是最快的,平均擊敗第二個領先競爭對手 (Slim) 50%,平均擊敗 Lumens 125%!


Flight 使用者友好,學習曲線平緩。它適用於剛進入框架世界的新開發人員或希望控制專案更多方面的經驗豐富的開發人員。它的簡單性使得新開發人員可以使用它,而它的強大功能則吸引了尋求簡單解決方案的經驗豐富的開發人員。還有一個頁面專門幫助將 Flight 與其他框架進行比較,以幫助您做出決定。



Fat-Free Framework 有一個中等活躍的社群。有足夠的可用資源,包括文件和社群支援。


Fat-Free Framework 的目標是既簡單又強大。它包含一系列開箱即用的功能,這有時會使它的簡單性變得複雜。然而,它在功能性和易用性之間提供了良好的平衡。


F3 以其高性能而聞名。其高效的設計和簡約的核心確保應用程式平穩快速地運行。


Fat-Free Framework 相對易於使用,但豐富的內建功能可能會讓初學者不知所措。一旦熟悉其功能,開發人員就可以充分利用其強大的功能。

Silex Framework

Community Level

Silex had a robust community, largely due to its association with Symfony. Although Silex itself has been discontinued, the community support and resources are still available through Symfony channels.


Silex is simple and elegant, designed to leverage the power of Symfony components without the bloat. Its design makes it easy to create powerful applications with minimal effort.


Performance is not one of Silex's strengths, however it does benefit from the optimization of Symfony components. It provides a lightweight yet powerful foundation for web applications.

Ease of Use

Silex is user-friendly for those in the Symfony ecosystem. Its integration with Symfony components makes it easy to extend and enhance applications as needed.

Lumen Framework

Community Level

Lumen probably has the largest and most active community, supported by Laravel. This ensures abundant resources, documentation, and community support.


Lumen is designed to be simple and "fast". It strips down Laravel to its essentials, providing a streamlined framework for building microservices and APIs.


Lumen is built for performance, optimized for speed and efficiency. Despite that, it consistently is nearly dead last in most benchmarks.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is a hallmark of Lumen, particularly for developers familiar with Laravel. Its clear documentation and extensive resources make it easy to get started and build robust applications. However, it now no longer recommended to use Lumen and to use Laravel instead which highlights that it's very likely to be discontinued in the future.

Comparison Table

This table provides a summary of the key features of each PHP micro framework, but it is important to note that this is weighted against the frameworks in this article fornew usersand not against all PHP frameworks.

Framework Community Level Simplicity Performance Ease of Use
Slim High Medium High Medium
Flight Medium Very High Very High Very High
Fat-Free Medium High High High
Silex High High Medium Low*
Lumen High Medium Low Medium

*Ease of use for Silex is rated low for being discontinued and not actively maintained. Users are asked to move to Symfony.


What is the best PHP micro framework for beginners?
Slim is generally considered the most popular for beginners due to its simplicity and extensive documentation. The best framework for you will depend on your specific needs and familiarity with PHP. For those starting out in PHP, Flight is also a great choice due to its minimalist design and ease of use.

Which PHP micro framework has the best performance?
Flight is known for its exceptional performance, making it a top choice for building fast and efficient applications.

Is Silex still a good choice for new projects?
While Silex is no longer actively maintained, it is still a viable option for new projects due to its simplicity and integration with Symfony components.

How does Flight compare to Slim in terms of ease of use?
Flight is slightly more feature-rich than Slim containing a few helpful tricks out of the box. Flight also has no dependencies, which can make it easier to get started with.

Can I use Fat-Free Framework for complex applications?
Yes, Fat-Free Framework includes a range of features that make it suitable for complex applications, although architectural discipline to make sure the project is structured correctly might be overwhelming for beginners at first.

Which framework should I choose if I'm already familiar with Laravel?
Lumen is the best choice for developers familiar with Laravel, as it retains the core functionality of Laravel while being optimized for microservices and APIs.


Choosing the right PHP micro framework depends on your project's specific needs and your familiarity with the frameworks. Slim is ideal for beginners and those looking for simplicity and ease of use. Flight offers a performant minimalist approach that appeals to developers who prefer a straightforward framework that gives them more control. Fat-Free Framework strikes a balance between simplicity and functionality, making it suitable for more complex applications. Silex, despite being discontinued, remains a robust choice due to its integration with Symfony. Lumen stands out for its performance and ease of use, especially for developers already familiar with Laravel.

In summary, all five frameworks have their strengths and can be the right choice depending on your requirements. Evaluate your project's needs and choose the framework that aligns best with your goals. Happy coding!

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