一些 Python 實作。首先讓我們設定計算階段,並提供命令列
Python 腳本的功能。
import argparse import time import math import numpy as np import os from numba import njit from joblib import Parallel, delayed parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--workers", type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument("--arraysize", type=int, default=100_000_000) args = parser.parse_args() # Set the number of threads to 1 for different libraries print("=" * 80) print( f"\nStarting the benchmark for {args.arraysize} elements " f"using {args.workers} threads/workers\n" ) # Generate the data structures for the benchmark array0 = [np.random.rand() for _ in range(args.arraysize)] array1 = array0.copy() array2 = array0.copy() array_in_np = np.array(array1) array_in_np_copy = array_in_np.copy()
for i in range(len(array0)): array0[i] = math.cos(math.sin(math.sqrt(array0[i])))
np.sqrt(array_in_np, out=array_in_np) np.sin(array_in_np, out=array_in_np) np.cos(array_in_np, out=array_in_np)
def compute_inplace_with_joblib(chunk): return np.cos(np.sin(np.sqrt(chunk))) #parallel function for joblib chunks = np.array_split(array1, args.workers) # Split the array into chunks numresults = Parallel(n_jobs=args.workers)( delayed(compute_inplace_with_joblib)(chunk) for chunk in chunks )# Process each chunk in a separate thread array1 = np.concatenate(numresults) # Concatenate the results
@njit def compute_inplace_with_numba(array): np.sqrt(array,array) np.sin(array,array) np.cos(array,array) ## njit will compile this function to machine code compute_inplace_with_numba(array_in_np_copy)
In place in ( base Python): 11.42 seconds In place in (Python Joblib): 4.59 seconds In place in ( Python Numba): 2.62 seconds In place in ( Python Numpy): 0.92 seconds
numba 出奇的慢! ?難道是由於 mohawk2 在 IRC 交流中關於此問題指出的編譯開銷造成的嗎?
為了測試這一點,我們應該在執行基準測試之前呼叫一次compute_inplace_with_numba。這樣做表明 Numba 現在比 Numpy 更快。
In place in ( base Python): 11.89 seconds In place in (Python Joblib): 4.42 seconds In place in ( Python Numpy): 0.93 seconds In place in ( Python Numba): 0.49 seconds
n<-50000000 x<-runif(n) start_time <- Sys.time() result <- cos(sin(sqrt(x))) end_time <- Sys.time() # Calculate the time taken time_taken <- end_time - start_time # Print the time taken print(sprintf("Time in base R: %.2f seconds", time_taken))
Time in base R: 1.30 seconds
以上是效能追求第二部分:Perl 與 Python的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!