您應該閱讀的 SQL 語言書籍

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在今天的#QueroLer 系列中,我們將發現 20 本學習 SQL 語言的優質書籍。

它們用於各種 SQL 資料庫,例如:MySQL、MariaDB、Oracle、Microsoft SQL Server 等!


01. SQL語言簡介:初學者的實用方法

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

目前,公司正在以指數速度收集數據,但很少有人知道如何以相關方式存取數據。如果您在公司工作或 IT 專業人員,這個簡短的實用指南將教您如何以有意義的方式使用 SQL 來取得和轉換資料。您將快速掌握 SQL 基礎知識並學習如何建立自己的資料庫。

作者 Thomas Nield 在整本書中提供了練習,幫助您在家中練習新發現的 SQL 技能,而無需使用資料庫伺服器環境。除了學習如何使用關鍵 SQL 語句來尋找和操作資料之外,您還將發現如何有效地設計和管理滿足您需求的資料庫。


02. SQL - 實用指南:SQL使用指南

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

如果您作為資料分析師、資料科學家或資料工程師在日常工作中使用 SQL,這本實用指南將是您日常生活的理想參考資料。您會發現許多範例,涵蓋了在 Microsoft SQL Server、MySQL、Oracle 資料庫、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite 中使用時語言的複雜性和 SQL 的關鍵方面。
在這個更新版本中,作者 Alice Zhao 描述了這些資料庫管理系統如何實作 SQL 語法來查詢和變更資料庫。您將看到有關資料類型和轉換、正規表示式語法、視窗函數、旋轉和逆旋轉等的詳細資訊。


03. 每天 10 分鐘 SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

每天 10 分鐘的 SQL 在您需要快速結果時提供直接實用的答案。當您完成本書中 10 分鐘或更短時間的 22 個課程時,您將學到利用 SQL 語言所需的知識。課程涵蓋 IBM DB2、Microsoft SQL Server 和 SQL Server Express、MariaDB、MySQL、Oracle 和 Oracle Express、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite。提示強調快捷方式和解決方案 注意事項可幫助您避免常見陷阱 註釋解釋其他概念並提供其他資訊。



Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

針對最新的資料庫管理系統進行了更新 – 包括 MySQL 5.1、Oracle 11g 和 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 – 本介紹指南將協助您快速啟動並執行 SQL。無論您需要編寫資料庫應用程式、執行管理任務或產生報告,學習 SQL 都將幫助您掌握 SQL 的所有基礎知識。

每一章都提供了關於關鍵 SQL 概念的獨立課程,並配有多個插圖和帶註釋的範例。每章末尾的練習可以讓您練習所學的技能。


05. SQL傻瓜書

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

本書是理解和應用最新版本 SQL 的逐步指南,將幫助您像專業人士一樣管理資料。

  • • 基礎知識 ― 了解 SQL 和關聯式資料庫的基礎知識
  • • 掌握語言-學習資料定義語言以及如何操作和管理資料
  • • 開始建構-使用 RAD 工具建立一個簡單的資料庫,然後轉向多表關係資料庫
  • • 操作數據-了解如何新增、更新和復原數據,以及如何在不再需要時將其刪除
  • • 找到您想要的內容 ― 學習查詢資料庫的技術並準確地擷取您要尋找的資訊
  • • 確保您的安全 ― 管理使用者存取、防止資料被損壞並了解風險
  • • 了解該領域的術語—掌握 ODBC 和 JDBC 的訪問,並使用 SQL 處理 XML 資料
  • • 進階 SQL ― 透過學習如何使用持久性儲存模組新增流程功能以及如何處理錯誤來進一步探索


06. 用於資料分析的 SQL:將資料轉化為見解的高階技術

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

這本實用的書揭示了新的和以前未知的方法,您可以提高 SQL 技能、解決問題並在工作流程中充分利用 SQL 功能。

您將學習如何以新的和高級的方式使用常見和不尋常的SQL 函數,例如聯接、視窗函數、子查詢和正規表示式,以及如何結合SQL 技術更快地實現您的目標,只需一個程式碼即可輕鬆理解。如果您使用 SQL 資料庫,這是必不可少的參考。

  • • 了解準備分析資料的關鍵步驟
  • • 使用 SQL 日期和時間運算執行時間序列分析
  • • 使用群組分析調查群體如何隨時間變化
  • • 使用強大的 SQL 函數和運算子進行文字分析
  • • 偵測資料中的異常並用替代值取代它們
  • • 使用實驗分析建立因果關係,也稱為 A/B 檢定


07.用你的頭腦! SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

Head SQL 帶您深入 SQL 語言的核心,從使用 INSERT 和 SELECT 的查詢基本語法,到使用子查詢、聯結和交易進行資料庫操作的複雜性。當您進一步閱讀時,您將有效且有效率地了解使用查詢、標準化和連接的資料庫設計和建立。

那麼您將成為數據的真正主人!為什麼這本書看起來如此不同?我們相信您的時間太寶貴了,不能浪費。 Head First SQL 基於神經生物學、認知科學和學習理論的最新研究,具有豐富的視覺效果,圍繞著您的大腦工作方式而設計;這並不是一種會導致你陷入深度睡眠的嚴厲方法。


08.SQL Server 2012完整課程

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

SQL Server 是一個綜合資訊平台,能夠處理最嚴苛的企業工作負載。再加上它提供的解決方案能夠滿足小型、中型和大型公司的需求,使得 SQL Server 成為市場上最常用的資料庫管理系統。

本書是基於 SQL Server 2012 的最新版本進行更新,旨在為所有需要的人提供支援工具,無論他們是剛開始資料庫管理還是習慣了日常這些任務。幫助他們進行工作的指南。本書涵蓋了 SQL Server 2012 中資料庫管理的基本面,適用於資料庫管理員、其他 IT 專業人員、學生和培訓課程。對於 SQL Server 中的 Microsoft 認證也很有用。


09. Relational Databases - Implementation With Mysql

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

Using this tool, this book explores in a comprehensive and detailed way the development of relational database systems, throughout its main implementation and exploration stages.

In the various chapters, the most common tasks that take place in the environment of a relational database system are addressed, paying particular attention to the planning and implementation of its physical schema, the administration and management of its data repository, the definition of security and data recovery schemes, the exploration of the information it contains, through simple and complex queries, and the development of SQL scripts to implement procedures, functions and triggers, for error management.

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10. Application Performance Analysis using SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

Case study of implementing payroll calculation in a legacy system using SQL.

The development of business applications requires solutions that meet the requirements of deadlines, performance, economy, robustness, scalability and without compromising quality. However, meeting all these requirements simultaneously has been a major challenge for development teams.

Application performance deserves special attention, as users are increasingly demanding that applications operate well and as quickly as possible. Based on this approach, this book presents the process of creating a new methodology to optimize the payroll calculation of a legacy system, using primarily the SQL language to obtain the best performance from the Database server.

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11. Database Systems: A structural approach, SQL language and modeling a database

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

There is an extensive basis on Database Systems, from their functional structure, information processing and querying, through the SQL language, to the construction of relational data models.

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12. Database: Data modeling techniques, design and SQL language

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

This book aims to develop in readers database modeling techniques and structures as part of a database project that is divided into three distinct parts: conceptual data modeling, logical data modeling and data physics.

The difference in this book is that a large part of its content is used to teach data modeling techniques with the presentation of solved exercises with different degrees of difficulty. As a complementary objective, the basic structured query language is also presented to assist readers in assembling database structures and manipulating information from the database to be implemented.

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13. Database in SQL Server Software: Exercise Resolution

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

This is a book with the best collection of exercises that can be done. It's a best seller!

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14. Learn SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

In English!

This book covers the standard SQL language and teaches the concepts necessary for creating database objects, such as tables, indexes and synonyms, with a special focus on the SELECT command as the core of the language. A reference section provides a guide to several variations of Microsoft SQL.

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15. MariaDB Crash Course

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

In English!

MariaDB is a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality for MySQL. Built by some of the original MySQL authors, with assistance from the broader community of free and open source software developers, MariaDB offers a rich set of feature enhancements for MySQL, including alternative storage engines, server optimizations, and patches.

The MariaDB Crash Course teaches you everything you need to know to be immediately productive with MariaDB. Master trainer Ben Forta lays out all the fundamentals through a series of quick, easy-to-follow practical lessons. Instead of detailing database theory and relational design, Forta focuses on teaching solutions for the majority of users who simply want to interact with data.

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16. Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

In English!

With the latest edition of this introductory guide, author Alan Beaulieu helps developers familiarize themselves with SQL fundamentals for writing database applications, performing administrative tasks, and generating reports. You'll find new chapters on SQL and big data, analytical functions, and working with very large databases.

Each chapter presents a self-contained lesson on a key SQL concept or technique using multiple illustrations and annotated examples. Exercises allow you to practice the skills you have learned. Knowledge of SQL is a must to interact with data. With Learning SQL, you'll quickly discover how to put the power and flexibility of this language to work.

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17. Practical Sql, 2nd Edition: A Beginner's Guide to Storytelling with Data

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

In English!

Practical SQL is an accessible, quick guide to Structured Query Language (SQL), the standard programming language for defining, organizing, and exploring data in relational databases. Anthony DeBarros, journalist and data analyst, focuses on using SQL to find the story in your data. The examples and code use the open-source PostgreSQL database and its pgAdmin interface, and the concepts you learn will apply to most database management systems, including MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, and others.

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18. Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) (English Edition)

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

In English!

SQL for Smarties has been hailed as the first book explicitly dedicated to the advanced techniques needed to turn an experienced SQL programmer into an expert. Now, 20 years later and in its fifth edition, this classic reference still reigns as the only book written by a SQL master that teaches programmers and professionals how to become SQL masters! These are not just tips and techniques; the best solutions for old and new challenges are also offered.

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19. Oracle Database 11G SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

Official guide from Oracle Press, this book shows you how to write high-performance SQL statements and PL/SQL programs with advanced features. Written by expert Jason Price, the work covers in detail the latest SQL resources and tools, performance optimization techniques, advanced queries, Java and XML support.

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20. SQL

Livros sobre Linguagem SQL que você deveria ler

This is the new updated edition of a fundamental and must-read work that addresses the topic of accessing databases through the SQL language - an international standard. Aimed at students of IT and Management IT courses at university, polytechnic and technical education levels, and also useful for professionals.

Click here to purchase this book

Follow the #QueroLer series here on the blog where there will be recommendations for other Science and Technology books as well as lists of other Programming Languages.

See too

  • 10 C++ Books Worth Reading
  • 10 C Language Books that are worth reading
  • 10 Java Books Worth Reading
  • 10 Python Books Worth Reading
  • 10 JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js Books Worth Reading
  • 10 Books Every Programmer Should Read
  • 5 C# Books Worth Reading

以上是您應該閱讀的 SQL 語言書籍的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!

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