口袋妖怪葉綠386攻略 口袋妖怪葉綠全流程圖文通關攻略

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口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略


開始閣下會身處於純白鎮家中二樓,先從計算機拿出キズぐすリ一個(加HP 20),按どうぐあずかリ→どうぐをひきだす→キズぐすリ

然後出家門,向上行到草堆,遇見大木博士,他會帶您到研究所,然後請從桌上選擇精靈(三選一) 選完後,小茂會選擇克你屬性,並跟你對戰。 打贏之後,走出研究所,再往北方走到一村莊內,到商店去,店老闆會給你一樣東西。

回到純白鎮,去研究所跟大木博士講話,他會給你寵物小精靈圖鑑。 跟小茂姊姊(右上方民宅),會給你地圖。 在前往上方的村莊,現在可以買精靈球(200元)可收服寵物小精靈。


請往上方走,會遇到一名老伯,得到電視機一部,繼續向北走會到達常青森林。 常青森林內有許多昆蟲類寵物小精靈,運氣好還可以遇到比卡超,之後你會到達深灰市。到達了深灰市,先補血,去打道館吧!這關道館是岩石系的。 用奇異種子、車厘龜可以一招殺XD 。

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小拳石Lv.12 男 







到達最內側,贏得一個訓練家,可以拿一個化石。 (左邊是萬年蟲,右邊是菊石獸) 




第二個水系道館口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略



海星Lv.18 無性別海星Lv.21 無性別




比比鳥Lv.17 男 


小哥達Lv.15 男

對戰完後得Voice Checker,用法不明。 之後繼續上橋對戰,轉右到盡頭入屋 。


走到海邊小屋,先和屋內皮皮談話,再操作計算機以幫助皮皮恢復成人類,他會給你船票;之後可以觀看寵物屋內皮皮談話,再操作計算機以幫助皮皮恢復成人類,他會給你船票;之後可以觀看寵物小精靈伊貝、雷伊貝、水伊貝和火伊貝的資料。 接著請回道館從後面的房屋進去,和火箭兵團對打,打贏得到技28(挖洞)

再往下在,中途會有飼育屋,可養育寵物小精靈,需要花錢。 往地下道走,走出後到達6號道路。 往下走則到秋色市。 口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略


PC内问一女子(在柜台前),会得到Battle Searcher,用来搜索哪些已战胜的训练员想再挑战你












霹雳弹 Lv.21 无性别

比卡超 Lv.18 男

雷超 Lv.24 男

打完请到城市上方问一名研究员,然后去地鼠洞穴(在城市东边),进去后亦可抓一些地鼠,出去洞穴后往下走,利用砍树,到达一间大屋,问一名研究员,可得到秘传招式05(闪光)( 条件是你最少要收服10只宠物小精灵 ,曾拥有或进化亦计算在内,而相同的精灵只计算作一只) ,你亦可透过地鼠洞穴返回常青市。

然后,返回浅篮市(GYM2,在秋色市上方),将城市东边的树砍倒,向东行,到达最东边,有一个宠物小精灵中心,旁边是黑暗洞窟。 而下方的无人发电厂,等学会了游泳再去,内有雷鸟。 进入黑暗洞穴请使用闪光来照亮。

Go through the dark cave and go south to reach Ziyuan Town. There is a large building in this village which is the Pokemon Pagoda. Don’t go in yet. Go west and you will reach a house with an tunnel. You can reach it after crossing Rainbow City. There is a large department store in Rainbow City where you can buy many important props. If you have extra money, you might as well replenish it.

Attention, there is a building in the city with a back door. Enter and go to the top floor to get the rare elf Ibe!

Don’t rush to Golden City yet, you have to deal with the Rocket Corps incident first. Go to the lower right side of the city and reach a cafeteria. Ask a man inside to get a coin bag, which can be used to play games in the Bozi Machine Center. Go to the Bozi Machine Center in the town (red, very eye-catching). There are many people playing game consoles. When you go to the upper right, you find members of the Rocket Corps looking at a poster. Fight him. After the battle, investigate the poster and find a secret passage on the right. After entering, go down to the B4 floor and fight the person on the upper left. After the battle, he will give you the elevator key

Go back to the B2 floor, cross the direction floor (please use your wisdom), and take the elevator to the other side of the B4 floor. Fight the two Rocket Corps members at the door

Open the door, save the file first, and then fight the boss of Shaka. Be careful, he is quite powerful. After winning, remember to pick up the Elf Glasses from the ground to enter the Ziyuan Spiritual Tower. Take the elevator back to B1, fight the last member, and leave the Bozi Machine Center. At this time, no one is blocking the way in front of the GYM door, so you can enter and fight.

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The fourth grass type gym

Owner: Alicia

Attributes used: Grass type

Big Food Flower Lv.29 Female

Ivy Monster Lv.24 Female

Overlord Flower Lv .29 Female

Please be careful! The owner likes to use paralysis

After winning, please go to the Ziyuan Soul Tower and destroy the elf on the tower - Gragla (only allowed to be destroyed), in order to obtain the Elf Flute to wake up the Kirby beasts blocking the way

Enter the Ziyuan Soul Tower In the tower, you will meet an old enemy on the second floor and be forced into battle!

Battle against old enemies:

Bibi Bird Lv.25 Male

Egg Lv.23 Male

Yukina Lv.20 Male

Kill Your Elf Lv.25

Carp Dragon Lv.22 Male

Always Go up and meet Gragra (LV.30). You can't capture it (try it if you don't believe me), you can only kill it. After killing Gragla, go up the stairs and fight several members of the Rocket Corps, then talk to your uncle. Suddenly you will return to his house, talk to him again, and get the Elf Flute. Now you can use it to wake up the two Kirbys blocking Route 12 and Route 16. For example, use the Elf Flute during battle. , the elves on both sides can release the sleep state.

Now, enjoy catching Kirby! You can then continue on your way!

It is recommended that you take Route 16 to the west of Rainbow City to reach Qianhong City

Go to Route 16 first, don’t wake up Kirby yet, chop down the tree above, then turn left and pass the checkpoint to enter a house. Ask the little girl inside Girl, get the secret move No. 2 (Flying). After installing it, you can fly to the door of the PC in the city you have been to. No more hard work tossing back and forth!

Now, return to the place where Kirbymon was, save the file, press the A button in front of Kirbymon, and use the Elf Flute to wake it up (LV.30). Kirbymon has strong attack power, be careful! After capturing, continue to the left, pass the level, and then you will reach the bicycle path. Please make sure you have picked up the bicycle (bicycle) and put it on you. Since this is a slope, you will soon reach the light red city.

Note: If you come to Qianhong City via the wooden bridge from Ziyuan Town, there is a room in the middle where you can get high-level fishing rods

And in the lower right house of Qianhong City, you can get mid-level fishing rods

Remember first Only when you replenish your blood can you challenge the venue!

The venue owner is at a very high level!

There are some invisible walls with white dots in the fifth GYM. Through them, you can meet the owner

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The fifth poison gym

Owner: Ah Geng

Use attribute: poison

Poison Gas Pill Lv.37 Male (You need to cut down trees) and enter the wild area of ​​the wild park. You can see many new elves when you enter here, but it is worth noting that you have to pay 500 yuan each time you enter, and you can only move 600 steps in the park at a time. When you pass 600 steps, you will be forced to leave. The purpose of entering is to obtain the secret machine 03 (swimming) and retrieve the きんのいれば (dentures) in exchange for the secret machine 04 (push stone). Please come several times to familiarize yourself with the environment, because the room where you get Secret Machine 03 and the place where you get the きんのいれば are both very remote. The きんのいれば is a Poké Ball on the ground near the house where you get Secret Machine 03. Remember to hold it. Get up!

Tips: In the new version, even if you don’t read Japanese, you can see the true colors of all your props in the backpack item, which is much more convenient than before!

Get swimming, and you can swim in any water in the elf world and reach more mysterious places, such as catching thunderbirds in the unmanned power plant, catching frozen birds in the Twin Islands, and challenging the owner Xia Bo in the Red Lotus Island. etc! After getting the きんのいれば, go to the house on the right side of the PC in the city and ask the uncle inside to get the secret machine 04 (Pushing Stone), which allows you to move square brown rocks!

Fly back to Rainbow City, go to the first high-rise building on the left side of the PC, ask the mother-in-law on the ground floor for a cup of tea, then go east, the guard will let you pass, welcome to Golden City!

First replenish your blood, and then enter the largest Rocket Corps base in the city. The key to pass the level is to get the key. The key is in the south-southeast direction on the fifth floor. Use your wisdom!

Tips: Pay attention to the characteristics of the transfer floor

After getting the key, go to the room on the left center of the third floor, use the key to open the door, step on the transfer floor, go to the upper left corner of the seventh floor, meet the old enemy, and force a battle.

Fight against old enemies:

Dabi Bird Lv.37 Male

Egg Level 38 Male (may be different)

Fudi Lv.35 Male

Kill your Elf Lv.40

Carp Dragon Lv.39 After the boy

wins, ask the boy below to get the Dragon Back (Lv.25)

Step on the transfer floor to the eleventh floor and fight the Rocket Corps and the Shaka boss! After defeating, you can get the ultimate ball by asking Uncle Mogami. This ball can 100% successfully conquer any elves. It is very precious. There is only one of them, so don't use it indiscriminately! After leaving, go to the PC to replenish your blood, and then go to the bottom right house in Golden City to get Move 29 (Psychic Power), and then go challenge the Golden Arena! You can also go to the fighting arena on the left first to take Shagula (left) or Bihuala (right) (each Lv. 25, choose one), and then challenge the golden arena.

After entering the venue, step on the transfer floor and step in a counterclockwise direction to reach the venue owner (the key point is to reach the secret room in the upper left corner of the venue, and then step on the transfer floor in the lower left).

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The sixth super power gym

Owner: Lizzy

Attributes used: super power system

Yukina Lv.38 Male

Sucker Clown Lv.37 Female

Fudi Lv .43 Male

Molu Feng Level 38 Female

After winning, you can get Move 04, then, go to Red Lotus Island!

Use flight to Pure White Town, swim south to Red Lotus Island.

After landing, go to the PC to replenish blood, then fly to Dark Gray City (Xiao Gang's city), go to the upper right corner of the city, chop down the tree, and enter the other end of the museum. After entering the museum, talk to the researcher standing to the left of the stone to get the Fossil Wyvern Fossil. So, you now have two fossils in your hand. Then, fly back to Red Lotus Island, enter the rightmost room in the research institute on the lower left, talk to the researcher, first choose a fossil and give it to him, go out, and then enter the room, you can get a fossil elf, and so on one more time, two Just get the ancient fossil elf! (Each one is Lv. 5). Then, you have to go to the big house on the left side of GYM to get the venue key. The focus is on the holy statue in the house.

Go in and go up the stairs first, then go to the upper left corner and go up the stairs, go up! Then, after some twists and turns, you will reach the lower right corner of a certain floor. You will find two spaces where you can jump (there is a four-eyed trainer in front). Jump to the space on the left. After that, continue to investigate the icon's power switch (two of them need to be investigated). The venue key is on the platform in the upper left corner of this floor. I wish you good luck!

Tips: The floor with the key has a different floor than the other floors

After getting the key, you can use the lifeline or investigate the icon in the middle room on the same floor, then go down to the next floor and use the exit to leave (please try more Try to observe the environment! )

After leaving, replenish your blood first, and then you can officially challenge the owner Xia Bo!

This island venue belongs to the fire system. The special thing about this venue is that you don’t have to fight with every subordinate. You can save yourself from fighting by answering the questions on the wall of each card correctly.

The answer is as follows:

First level: Yes

Level 2: No

Level 3: No

Level 4: No

Level 5: Yes

Level 6: No

After passing the level, you can officially challenge the owner!

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The Seventh Fire Gym

Owner: Xia Bo

Attributes used: Fire

Guardian Dog Lv.42, Male

Little Fire Horse Lv.40, Male

Flame Horse Lv. 42 Male

God Dog Level 47 Male

Please be careful of the powerful big character burn!

You can get Move 38 (Big Character Burning) after defeating it

As soon as you leave the venue, you will be pulled onto the boat and arrive at Mystery Island 1. This person will take you to the PC, and Zhenghui will appear and update the illustrated book and map for you. Because they lost an accessory, the PC computers on the three islands cannot be used. Therefore, you cannot use computers on these three islands for the time being.

There are seven islands in this world, and the level of wild elves has also improved a lot. More importantly, you can catch firebirds!

First of all, from the hot spring cave on Island 1, talk to the uncle in the upper part of the cave to get the secret move 06 (Broken Stone), which can break some brown gravel. Then, continue upwards and swim to the top island. After passing through the cave, there is a firebird that you can catch! (Lv.50) It is recommended not to hesitate and prepare to catch the firebird immediately! After the capture is successful, fly back to Island 1, take a boat to Island 2, go ashore to the residential house on the far right, and ask a man (the one running around after entering), he will ask you to go to the Island 3 forest to rescue him. daughter.

Please take a boat to Island Three. At this time, the bikers blocking the island will fight with you. You have to fight four/five (not sure) party members. It is recommended to replenish your health first

After the battle, the party members leave and ask The two men can get blood-replenishing props. Then, go straight and turn left, cross the bridge, and enter the forest. Meet the little girl on the haystack in the upper left corner of the forest and talk to her. The hypnotic beast suddenly appears. Conquer/eliminate the Level 30 hypnotic beast.

Successfully rescued the girl

You will return to the residence on the second island, ask the man again, and you can get the accessories

Return to the PC on the first island, talk to Zhenghui, the task is completed

Finally, you will return to Honglian Island , continue to complete the eighth victory chapter and challenge the five kings.

You can take a boat from Qiuse City (GYM3) Pier to Mystery Island 1, 2 or 3

Use the flight back to Changqing City, and now you can enter the eighth gym

The owner is in the upper left corner of the gym

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The eighth ground type gym

Owner: Shaka

Attributes used: Ground type

Iron Rhino Lv.45 Male

Three-Headed Gopher v.42 Male

Nimi Queen Lv.45 Female

Nidoking Lv.45 Male

Iron Rhino Lv.50 Male

After victory, you can get move 26

After that, go to the PC to replenish your blood. Then, you can challenge the five kings. From the 2nd left of Changqing City Advance the road, meet old enemies, and fight. After the battle, continue walking and you will see a big red house. Enter and keep walking along the road. There will be many guards checking the victory chapter in the middle. This is normal. After some swimming, you will enter a cave. The key point of this cave is that you have to push the stone to bury the white switch, and push a stone to fall into the only gap in the cave. Then jump into the gap, push the stone to bury the white switch, and help you pass. Cave, please use wisdom and time, come on! After passing this cave, you will reach the Quartz Plateau, where you can challenge the Five Heavenly Kings and enter the final stage!

You have arrived at the Quartz Plateau, and the five heavenly kings are in front of you. After you go in to replenish blood, remember to buy more blood replenishers!

Note: As soon as you go in to challenge the five kings, you have to defeat five of them at once, and you can't come out to replenish the blood of the elves again, you can only rely on the blood replenishing agent on your body. If you lose in the middle, you will have to challenge the first king again!

The five kings are very powerful, much stronger than the owner! Be careful, don't take it lightly! !

Tips: You can leave the Quartz Plateau first, train your elves or conquer more elves, or you can conquer the remaining Freezing Birds and Thunderbirds

When you are ready, fly back to the Quartz Plateau

Challenge the Four Heavenly Kings

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The first ice type king

Using attributes of the king: water type, ice type

It is recommended that you use thunder type to restrain

lv52 White Sea Lion

lv52 Big Slow Beast

lv54 Back Dragon

lv54 Red Lip Baby

lv51 Iron Shell

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The second fighting type king

The king uses attributes: stone type, fighting type

It is recommended that you use water type/grass type+flying type/superpower type to restrain

lv51 Big Rock Snake

lv53 Biwara

lv56 Monster power

lv53 Shakura

lv54 Big Rock Snake

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The third ghost type king

The king uses attributes: ghost type, evil type, poison type

Recommendations You use the super power system to restrain

lv54 Gengar

lv54 Big Mouth Bat

lv56 Arbor Monster

lv58 Gengar

lv53 Ghost Stone

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The fourth Dragon King

King uses attributes: Dragon type

It is recommended that you use dragon type to restrain

lv56 Carp Dragon

lv58 Fossil Flying Dragon

lv54 Hagurosaurus

lv54 Hagurosaurus

lv60 Qi Tyrannosaurus

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略Champion Xiaomao

lv59 Dabi Bird

lv59 Armored Tyrannosaurus

lv57 Fudi











































The structure of Mewtwo Dream Cave is very complex, so you need to spend more time to familiarize yourself with the route, and just like the Mystery Palace, there are many stairs and dead ends, so be careful of getting confused!

It is recommended to spend more time to familiarize yourself with the route!

Mewtwo is on a stage on the third floor underground

This is the only one, be sure to capture it!

Mewtwo is very fast, be careful, it is not easy to deal with!

Tips: You can also use the Ultra Ball to conquer it

Mewtwo Lv.70 Genderless

Note: After you finish dealing with the Orange Islands and successfully get the sapphire and ruby, you can conquer Mewtwo

The door to challenge the Five Heavenly Kings will be reopened, and the strength will be strengthened, the level will be much higher

and you will be able to use gold and silver elves, so you can challenge it if you have time!

After conquering Mewtwo, continue your journey to the Orange Islands

Back to Island 5, ask a man on the island in the upper left corner to get the Little Thorn Egg (there needs to be an empty space)

Now, please find it A woman walked to the right and swam to かえらずのあな. This was a very strange cave. If she didn't go up the stairs in order, she would always return to the same floor. A hole!)

After shared by domestic netizens, you can get four props and find the woman by following the following steps

After going up the stairs, take the climbing man’s level as the starting point:

1. Enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole below to get props

2. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see a little girl (fight), enter the hole above again, and get props

3. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see the little girl again, enter the hole below, then enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole on the right Hole, get props

4. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see the little girl again, enter the hole below, then enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole on the left hole, then enter the hole below, then enter the hole on the left, and you will get incredible candies

5. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see the little girl again, enter the hole below, then enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole on the left The hole, then enter the hole on the bottom, then the hole on the right, then the hole on the top, see the woman (battle)

After the battle, you will return to her home

Go to ヘんげ in the upper left corner of island 6のどうくつ, found to be empty

Go to island 7, there is a battle tower to the north, you can go in and challenge if you have time (note: all trainers are above Lv. 60)

Go south on island 7, pass the bridge and There are some haystacks. Go left when the road forks in the middle. You will find a cave next to the haystacks. Go in and use your wisdom to push the seven stones to the seven holes. Turn on the switch

Tips: Don’t let the location of the stones deceive you and don’t be greedy for convenience. The two stones that enter the second most at the end are not pushed into the hole next to it. Please push the two stones closest to the entrance to the hole first. Also, please do not move some stones in a hurry to leave room for yourself to pass.

After success, the mechanism is turned on. Leave the cave, swim to the far south, and find eight ruins. Because you have opened the trap, now when you go in you can encounter the unknown elf No. 201 (Lv. 25) that looks like English letters, a total of twenty-eight!

How to clear Pokemon LeafGreen? What is the process for clearing Pokemon LeafGreen? So next, let’s take a look at the whole process of Pokemon LeafGreen with pictures and texts. Friends who like it, please come and take a look. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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Pokemon LeafGreen full process graphic guide

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Start the game, first select the male/female character, and then change the name of the protagonist (you can choose the default/rename it with your own hiragana)

一At the beginning, you will be on the second floor of the home of Chunbai Town. First, take out キズぐす リ (plus HP 20) from the computer, press どうぐ あずか リ → どうぐを だす → キズぐす リ

and then go to the haystack. , meet Dr. Oak, he will take you to the research institute, and then please select the elf from the table (choose one of three). After selecting, Xiaomao will choose the attribute that defeats you and fight with you. After winning the battle, walk out of the research institute and go north to a village. Go to the store and the store owner will give you something.

Go back to Pure White Town, go to the research institute and talk to Dr. Oak, and he will give you the Pokemon illustrated book. Talk to Sister Xiaomao (in the private house on the upper right) and she will give you a map. When going to the village above, you can now buy Poke Balls (200 yuan) to capture Pokemon.

Note: If you go west to Route 22, you will encounter an old enemy and be forced to fight.

Please go up and you will meet an old man and get a TV. Continue walking north and you will reach the Evergreen Forest. There are many insect-type Pokemon in the Evergreen Forest. If you are lucky, you may encounter Pikachu, and then you will reach the Dark Gray City. When you arrive at the Dark Gray City, replenish your blood first and go to the gym! This gym level is of the rock type. Use strange seeds and Cheri Turtles to kill them in one move XD.

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The first rock gym

Owner: Xiaogang

Attributes used: Stone type

Small Fist Stone Lv.12 Male

Big Rock Snake Lv.14 Male

You can spend 50 yuan to research above You can go in and visit

Go to the right and start, meet a doctor and get running shoes (B + direction key)

Go to the right, there are some trainers on the way, defeat them!

Arrived at Guanyue Mountain, go to the Pokemon Center to replenish your health before entering.

You can encounter elves that you have never encountered before in Guanyue Mountain, such as "Pippi"...

You can get some props inside, and there will also be many trainers. Be careful, there are many mistakes!

Get to the innermost side and defeat a trainer to get a fossil. (On the left is the Ten Thousand Year Insect, and on the right is the Ammonite Beast)

Go out to Guanyue Mountain!

Exit the cave and walk eastward to Qianlan City.

Upgrade your level first and challenge the second gym,

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The second water gym

Owner: Xiaoxia

Attributes used: Water

Starfish Lv.18 Genderless

Gem Starfish Lv.21 Genderless

After victory, you can get skill 03.

First replenish blood and train the elves, then go to the bridge on the city to meet the old enemy

Fight against the old enemy:

Bibi Bird Lv.17 Male

Kill your Elf Lv.18

Cass Lv.16 Male

Little Gotta Level 15 Male

After the battle, you get the Voice Checker, the usage is unknown. After that, continue the battle on the bridge, turn right to the end and enter the house.

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The third gym, Electric Gym

Go to the beach house, talk to Pippi inside the house first, and then operate the computer to help Pippi return to human form, he will give you a boat ticket; you can then watch the pets Information about Elf Ibe, Ray Ibe, Water Ibe and Fire Ibe. Then please go back to the gym and enter the house at the back, fight with the Rocket Troops, and win skill 28 (digging holes)

Go down further, there will be a breeding house in the middle, where you can raise Pokemon, which costs money. Go to the underground passage and exit to Route 6. Go down to Qiuse City.

In Autumn City, there is a room (on the left side of the PC), and there is a person who will give you a rotten fishing rod. (Only Magikarp can be caught)

Ask a woman in PC (in front of the counter) and you will get a Battle Searcher, which can be used to search for trainers who have defeated you and want to challenge you again

Go to the Pokemon Club (above GYM) Ask the uncle to get the exchange coupon, and return to the bicycle shop in Qianlan City to exchange for a bicycle (slower than the red and sapphire version XD).

Let’s go to the port and take a boat!

Tips: The room in the second row from the right on the first floor of the ship can be used to heal the elves

There are some trainers on the ship, and there are some good props in the room. Remember to pick them up, because the ship will leave the port after the battle

Go to the second floor and you'll fight an old enemy.

After that, go to the captain’s room to get the secret move 01 (cutting down trees).

Leave the boat and see the boat leave. After getting the cut tree, you can go to the gym in this village.

After entering, the owner is behind a battery door, and the barrels in the hall will respond. You need to investigate the correct one twice in a row, and the door of the owner will open.

(Investigate one first, if it is right, save it first, and then the other one will be nearby. If you make a mistake, just restart the machine and try the second one)

Owner: Ma Zhishi

Use attribute: Electric type

Thunderbolt Lv.21 Genderless

Bika Chao Lv.18 Male

Lei Chao Lv.24 Male

After defeating, please go to the top of the city and ask a researcher, and then go to the Gopher Cave (to the east of the city). After entering, you can also catch some gophers. After exiting the cave, go down and use chopping trees to reach a big house. Ask a researcher to get the secret move 05 (flash) (the condition is that you have to tame at least 10 pet mice. Elves that have been owned or evolved are also counted, and the same elf is only counted as one). You can also return to Evergreen City through the Gopher Cave.

Then, return to Qianlan City (GYM2, above Autumn City), cut down the trees on the east side of the city, go east, and reach the far east, where there is a Pokemon Center with a Dark Cave next to it. The unmanned power plant below, you can wait until you learn how to swim, has a thunderbird inside. Use flash to illuminate when entering a dark cave.

Go through the dark cave and go south to reach Ziyuan Town. There is a large building in this village which is the Pokemon Pagoda. Don’t go in yet. Go west and you will reach a house with an tunnel. You can reach it after crossing Rainbow City. There is a large department store in Rainbow City where you can buy many important props. If you have extra money, you might as well replenish it.

Attention, there is a building in the city with a back door. Enter and go to the top floor to get the rare elf Ibe!

Don’t rush to Golden City yet, you have to deal with the Rocket Corps incident first. Go to the lower right side of the city and reach a cafeteria. Ask a man inside to get a coin bag, which can be used to play games in the Bozi Machine Center. Go to the Bozi Machine Center in the town (red, very eye-catching). There are many people playing game consoles. When you go to the upper right, you find members of the Rocket Corps looking at a poster. Fight him. After the battle, investigate the poster and find a secret passage on the right. After entering, go down to the B4 floor and fight the person on the upper left. After the battle, he will give you the elevator key

Go back to the B2 floor, cross the direction floor (please use your wisdom), and take the elevator to the other side of the B4 floor. Fight the two Rocket Corps members at the door

Open the door, save the file first, and then fight the boss of Shaka. Be careful, he is quite powerful. After winning, remember to pick up the Elf Glasses from the ground to enter the Ziyuan Spiritual Tower. Take the elevator back to B1, fight the last member, and leave the Bozi Machine Center. At this time, no one is blocking the way in front of the GYM door, so you can enter and fight.

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The fourth grass type gym

Owner: Alicia

Attributes used: Grass type

Big Food Flower Lv.29 Female

Ivy Monster Lv.24 Female

Overlord Flower Lv .29 Female

Please be careful! The owner likes to use paralysis

After winning, please go to the Ziyuan Soul Tower and destroy the elf on the tower - Gragla (only allowed to be destroyed), in order to obtain the Elf Flute to wake up the Kirby beasts blocking the way

Enter the Ziyuan Soul Tower In the tower, you will meet an old enemy on the second floor and be forced into battle!

Battle against old enemies:

Bibi Bird Lv.25 Male

Egg Lv.23 Male

Yukina Lv.20 Male

Kill Your Elf Lv.25

Carp Dragon Lv.22 Male

Always Go up and meet Gragra (LV.30). You can't capture it (try it if you don't believe me), you can only kill it. After killing Gragla, go up the stairs and fight several members of the Rocket Corps, then talk to your uncle. Suddenly you will return to his house, talk to him again, and get the Elf Flute. Now you can use it to wake up the two Kirbys blocking Route 12 and Route 16. For example, use the Elf Flute during battle. , the elves on both sides can release the sleep state.

Now, enjoy catching Kirby! You can then continue on your way!

It is recommended that you take Route 16 to the west of Rainbow City to reach Qianhong City

Go to Route 16 first, don’t wake up Kirby yet, chop down the tree above, then turn left and pass the checkpoint to enter a house. Ask the little girl inside Girl, get the secret move No. 2 (Flying). After installing it, you can fly to the door of the PC in the city you have been to. No more hard work tossing back and forth!

Now, return to the place where Kirbymon was, save the file, press the A button in front of Kirbymon, and use the Elf Flute to wake it up (LV.30). Kirbymon has strong attack power, be careful! After capturing, continue to the left, pass the level, and then you will reach the bicycle path. Please make sure you have picked up the bicycle (bicycle) and put it on you. Since this is a slope, you will soon reach the light red city.

Note: If you come to Qianhong City via the wooden bridge from Ziyuan Town, there is a room in the middle where you can get high-level fishing rods

And in the lower right house of Qianhong City, you can get mid-level fishing rods

Remember first Only when you replenish your blood can you challenge the venue!

The venue owner is at a very high level!

There are some invisible walls with white dots in the fifth GYM. Through them, you can meet the owner

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The fifth poison gym

Owner: Ah Geng

Use attribute: poison

Poison Gas Pill Lv.37 Male (You need to cut down trees) and enter the wild area of ​​the wild park. You can see many new elves when you enter here, but it is worth noting that you have to pay 500 yuan each time you enter, and you can only move 600 steps in the park at a time. When you pass 600 steps, you will be forced to leave. The purpose of entering is to obtain the secret machine 03 (swimming) and retrieve the きんのいれば (dentures) in exchange for the secret machine 04 (push stone). Please come several times to familiarize yourself with the environment, because the room where you get Secret Machine 03 and the place where you get the きんのいれば are both very remote. The きんのいれば is a Poké Ball on the ground near the house where you get Secret Machine 03. Remember to hold it. Get up!

Tips: In the new version, even if you don’t read Japanese, you can see the true colors of all your props in the backpack item, which is much more convenient than before!

Get swimming, and you can swim in any water in the elf world and reach more mysterious places, such as catching thunderbirds in the unmanned power plant, catching frozen birds in the Twin Islands, and challenging the owner Xia Bo in the Red Lotus Island. etc! After getting the きんのいれば, go to the house on the right side of the PC in the city and ask the uncle inside to get the secret machine 04 (Pushing Stone), which allows you to move square brown rocks!

Fly back to Rainbow City, go to the first high-rise building on the left side of the PC, ask the mother-in-law on the ground floor for a cup of tea, then go east, the guard will let you pass, welcome to Golden City!

First replenish your blood, and then enter the largest Rocket Corps base in the city. The key to pass the level is to get the key. The key is in the south-southeast direction on the fifth floor. Use your wisdom!

Tips: Pay attention to the characteristics of the transfer floor

After getting the key, go to the room on the left center of the third floor, use the key to open the door, step on the transfer floor, go to the upper left corner of the seventh floor, meet the old enemy, and force a battle.

Fight against old enemies:

Dabi Bird Lv.37 Male

Egg Level 38 Male (may be different)

Fudi Lv.35 Male

Kill your Elf Lv.40

Carp Dragon Lv.39 After the boy

wins, ask the boy below to get the Dragon Back (Lv.25)

Step on the transfer floor to the eleventh floor and fight the Rocket Corps and the Shaka boss! After defeating, you can get the ultimate ball by asking Uncle Mogami. This ball can 100% successfully conquer any elves. It is very precious. There is only one of them, so don't use it indiscriminately! After leaving, go to the PC to replenish your blood, and then go to the bottom right house in Golden City to get Move 29 (Psychic Power), and then go challenge the Golden Arena! You can also go to the fighting arena on the left first to take Shagula (left) or Bihuala (right) (each Lv. 25, choose one), and then challenge the golden arena.

After entering the venue, step on the transfer floor and step in a counterclockwise direction to reach the venue owner (the key point is to reach the secret room in the upper left corner of the venue, and then step on the transfer floor in the lower left).

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The sixth super power gym

Owner: Lizzy

Attributes used: super power system

Yukina Lv.38 Male

Sucker Clown Lv.37 Female

Fudi Lv .43 Male

Molu Feng Level 38 Female

After winning, you can get Move 04, then, go to Red Lotus Island!

Use flight to Pure White Town, swim south to Red Lotus Island.

After landing, go to the PC to replenish blood, then fly to Dark Gray City (Xiao Gang's city), go to the upper right corner of the city, chop down the tree, and enter the other end of the museum. After entering the museum, talk to the researcher standing to the left of the stone to get the Fossil Wyvern Fossil. So, you now have two fossils in your hand. Then, fly back to Red Lotus Island, enter the rightmost room in the research institute on the lower left, talk to the researcher, first choose a fossil and give it to him, go out, and then enter the room, you can get a fossil elf, and so on one more time, two Just get the ancient fossil elf! (Each one is Lv. 5). Then, you have to go to the big house on the left side of GYM to get the venue key. The focus is on the holy statue in the house.

Go in and go up the stairs first, then go to the upper left corner and go up the stairs, go up! Then, after some twists and turns, you will reach the lower right corner of a certain floor. You will find two spaces where you can jump (there is a four-eyed trainer in front). Jump to the space on the left. After that, continue to investigate the icon's power switch (two of them need to be investigated). The venue key is on the platform in the upper left corner of this floor. I wish you good luck!

Tips: The floor with the key has a different floor than the other floors

After getting the key, you can use the lifeline or investigate the icon in the middle room on the same floor, then go down to the next floor and use the exit to leave (please try more Try to observe the environment! )

After leaving, replenish your blood first, and then you can officially challenge the owner Xia Bo!

This island venue belongs to the fire system. The special thing about this venue is that you don’t have to fight with every subordinate. You can save yourself from fighting by answering the questions on the wall of each card correctly.

The answer is as follows:

First level: Yes

Level 2: No

Level 3: No

Level 4: No

Level 5: Yes

Level 6: No

After passing the level, you can officially challenge the owner!

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The Seventh Fire Gym

Owner: Xia Bo

Attributes used: Fire

Guardian Dog Lv.42, Male

Little Fire Horse Lv.40, Male

Flame Horse Lv. 42 Male

God Dog Level 47 Male

Please be careful of the powerful big character burn!

You can get Move 38 (Big Character Burning) after defeating it

As soon as you leave the venue, you will be pulled onto the boat and arrive at Mystery Island 1. This person will take you to the PC, and Zhenghui will appear and update the illustrated book and map for you. Because they lost an accessory, the PC computers on the three islands cannot be used. Therefore, you cannot use computers on these three islands for the time being.

There are seven islands in this world, and the level of wild elves has also improved a lot. More importantly, you can catch firebirds!

First of all, from the hot spring cave on Island 1, talk to the uncle in the upper part of the cave to get the secret move 06 (Broken Stone), which can break some brown gravel. Then, continue upwards and swim to the top island. After passing through the cave, there is a firebird that you can catch! (Lv.50) It is recommended not to hesitate and prepare to catch the firebird immediately! After the capture is successful, fly back to Island 1, take a boat to Island 2, go ashore to the residential house on the far right, and ask a man (the one running around after entering), he will ask you to go to the Island 3 forest to rescue him. daughter.

Please take a boat to Island Three. At this time, the bikers blocking the island will fight with you. You have to fight four/five (not sure) party members. It is recommended to replenish your health first

After the battle, the party members leave and ask The two men can get blood-replenishing props. Then, go straight and turn left, cross the bridge, and enter the forest. Meet the little girl on the haystack in the upper left corner of the forest and talk to her. The hypnotic beast suddenly appears. Conquer/eliminate the Level 30 hypnotic beast.

Successfully rescued the girl

You will return to the residence on the second island, ask the man again, and you can get the accessories

Return to the PC on the first island, talk to Zhenghui, the task is completed

Finally, you will return to Honglian Island , continue to complete the eighth victory chapter and challenge the five kings.

You can take a boat from Qiuse City (GYM3) Pier to Mystery Island 1, 2 or 3

Use the flight back to Changqing City, and now you can enter the eighth gym

The owner is in the upper left corner of the gym

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The eighth ground type gym

Owner: Shaka

Attributes used: Ground type

Iron Rhino Lv.45 Male

Three-Headed Gopher v.42 Male

Nimi Queen Lv.45 Female

Nidoking Lv.45 Male

Iron Rhino Lv.50 Male

After victory, you can get move 26

After that, go to the PC to replenish your blood. Then, you can challenge the five kings. From the 2nd left of Changqing City Advance the road, meet old enemies, and fight. After the battle, continue walking and you will see a big red house. Enter and keep walking along the road. There will be many guards checking the victory chapter in the middle. This is normal. After some swimming, you will enter a cave. The key point of this cave is that you have to push the stone to bury the white switch, and push a stone to fall into the only gap in the cave. Then jump into the gap, push the stone to bury the white switch, and help you pass. Cave, please use wisdom and time, come on! After passing this cave, you will reach the Quartz Plateau, where you can challenge the Five Heavenly Kings and enter the final stage!

You have arrived at the Quartz Plateau, and the five heavenly kings are in front of you. After you go in to replenish blood, remember to buy more blood replenishers!

Note: As soon as you go in to challenge the five kings, you have to defeat five of them at once, and you can't come out to replenish the blood of the elves again, you can only rely on the blood replenishing agent on your body. If you lose in the middle, you will have to challenge the first king again!

The five kings are very powerful, much stronger than the owner! Be careful, don't take it lightly! !

Tips: You can leave the Quartz Plateau first, train your elves or conquer more elves, or you can conquer the remaining Freezing Birds and Thunderbirds

When you are ready, fly back to the Quartz Plateau

Challenge the Four Heavenly Kings

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The first ice type king

Using attributes of the king: water type, ice type

It is recommended that you use thunder type to restrain

lv52 White Sea Lion

lv52 Big Slow Beast

lv54 Back Dragon

lv54 Red Lip Baby

lv51 Iron Shell

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The second fighting type king

The king uses attributes: stone type, fighting type

It is recommended that you use water type/grass type+flying type/superpower type to restrain

lv51 Big Rock Snake

lv53 Biwara

lv56 Monster power

lv53 Shakura

lv54 Big Rock Snake

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The third ghost type king

The king uses attributes: ghost type, evil type, poison type

Recommendations You use the super power system to restrain

lv54 Gengar

lv54 Big Mouth Bat

lv56 Arbor Monster

lv58 Gengar

lv53 Ghost Stone

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略The fourth Dragon King

King uses attributes: Dragon type

It is recommended that you use dragon type to restrain

lv56 Carp Dragon

lv58 Fossil Flying Dragon

lv54 Hagurosaurus

lv54 Hagurosaurus

lv60 Qi Tyrannosaurus

口袋妖怪叶绿386攻略 口袋妖怪叶绿全流程图文通关攻略Champion Xiaomao

lv59 Dabi Bird

lv59 Armored Tyrannosaurus

lv57 Fudi

Note: The three elves in the final tail of the King will be affected by the elves we choose at the beginning

The selection at the beginning:

a. Charmander

b. Turtle in the car

c. Strange Seed

, then the tail The three elves will be:

a. Divine Dog, Coconut Tree Beast, Water Arrow Turtle

b. Carp Dragon, Divine Dog, Strange Flower

c. Coconut Tree Beast, Carp Dragon, Charizard

The first three remain unchanged

Wish you good luck!

After winning the battle, you will return to Pure White Town, but it is not considered to have passed the level.

And you still haven’t conquered Mewtwo, and you can’t pass the spirit to Sapphire/Ruby

You still have to go to Orange Island Four, Five, Six, and Seven to deal with a secret

Orange Chapter

Arrival requirements:

Already After taming 60 Pokemon

, I then went to Dr. Oak to upgrade the illustrated book

and went to the Four Kings, but I found that I couldn’t go in to challenge

Take a boat in Qiuse City, go to the PC on Orange Island 1 and ask the man in front of the machine on the right

Go to the top of the mountain to catch the firebird. Once you enter, turn right and see 2 members of the Rocket Corps. Suddenly there is an extra hole

Fight with the 2 members of the Rocket Corps. Enter to find a ruby. The cave does not count as a review (you need to push the stone) ), and the gold and silver elves appear for the first time on the second floor. Go deep and find a lot of braille. Go down the stairs again and see a ruby. Take it away. Notice that Braille also appears on the wall on the same floor!

After you find it, go back and look for the man in the picture above

Now, you can take a boat from Island 1 Pier to Island 4, 5, 6, and 7, complete!

In Orange 4, 5, 6 and 7 islands, each island is far apart

Chengcheng 4 and 5 islands belong to the third area

Chengcheng 6 and 7 islands belong to the fourth area

Come and fro each You need to take a boat at the pier to reach the area. You can fly to and from the same area

On Orange Island 4, 5, 6, and 7, you will encounter old enemies many times, but you don’t need to fight. The most encouraging thing is that there are finally gold and silver versions of the elves, and they can be conquered at will!

The background music in most places on the island has also changed to the familiar gold and silver version of music! XD

Most of the trainers on the island use gold and silver versions of elves, and their levels are very high (generally around Lv. 50)

Mewtwo+R/S online chapter

Why can’t I defeat the five kings? Conquer Mewtwo? Can't connect to R/S?

First, go to Island 4 and get the secret move 07 (rush up the waterfall) in the ice cave on the far right. Then climb up from the waterfall where you came in from the beginning. There is a hole

Go in and see Kona, one of the Four Heavenly Kings. And members of the Rocket Corps, fight with members of the Rocket Corps

Then go to the south of Island 6 and chop down trees in front of the Braille door of the southernmost cave to open the secret passage

After entering, jump into the hole in front of you, and then jump into the top hole. Jump down and you will find that the place is the same as before. It doesn't matter. Then jump to the leftmost hole

, then jump to the rightmost hole, and then jump to the bottom hole

and you will arrive. You will find the sapphire, but it was snatched away by someone. ,

Then go to the Rocket Corps warehouse in the lower right corner of Island 5, you can go in now

After some hard work, find the doctor who just grabbed the gem (upper right), defeat him, get the sapphire, go back to Island 1 and give it to the PC standing at People in front of the machine can now fight/transport with Sapphire/Ruby, and can also enter Mewtwo's cave!

Tips for you: You need to use move 06 (breaking rocks) and move 03 (swimming) in the cave. It is recommended to bring a lifeline for leaving.

The structure of Mewtwo Dream Cave is very complex, so you need to spend more time to familiarize yourself with the route, and like the mystery officer, there are many stairs and dead ends, so be careful of getting confused!

It is recommended to spend more time to familiarize yourself with the route!

Mewtwo is on a stage on the third floor underground

This is the only one, be sure to capture it!

Mewtwo is very fast, be careful, it is not easy to deal with!

Tips: You can also use the Ultra Ball to conquer it

Mewtwo Lv.70 Genderless

Note: After you finish dealing with the Orange Islands and successfully get the sapphire and ruby, you can conquer Mewtwo

The door to challenge the Five Heavenly Kings will be reopened, and the strength will be strengthened, the level will be much higher

and you will be able to use gold and silver elves, so you can challenge it if you have time!

After conquering Mewtwo, continue your journey to the Orange Islands

Back to Island 5, ask a man on the island in the upper left corner to get the Little Thorn Egg (there needs to be an empty space)

Now, please find it A woman walked to the right and swam to かえらずのあな. This was a very strange cave. If she didn't go up the stairs in order, she would always return to the same floor. A hole!)

After shared by domestic netizens, you can get four props and find the woman by following the following steps

After going up the stairs, take the climbing man’s level as the starting point:

1. Enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole below to get props

2. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see a little girl (fight), enter the hole above again, and get props

3. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, then return to the hole below, see the little girl again, enter the hole below, then enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole on the right Hole, get props

4. Go back to the starting point (just enter any hole again), enter the hole on the right, then enter the hole above, and then return to the next one

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