Windows 11 is Microsoft’s most recent Windows release, and with it comes a lot of promises and changes from Microsoft. From a fresh, modern look to brand-new features, Windows 11 is quite a bit different than Windows 10.
While most of these differences are cosmetic, there are some notable changes that Microsoft has implemented in its new OS.
Let’s take a look at the biggest differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11.
When you first boot up Windows 11, the first thing you'll notice is the centered taskbar. Compared to the left-oriented taskbar of Windows 10, the taskbar in Windows 11 looks more like something from macOS.
Aside from the positional changes, the Windows 11 taskbar has lost and gained a couple of major features. For instance, you can’t make it taller. Also, unlike Windows 10, you can’t move the taskbar around the screen.
Moreover, you also lose the ability to make the taskbar icons smaller in Windows 11, something you could do in Windows 10. However, if you want the Start button to be on the left side, you can personalize the Windows 11 taskbar to move the button to where it is on Windows 10.
That said, Microsoft has tried to give the taskbar a significant touchup. There are new animations for launching, minimizing, and maximizing apps. There are also new icons for Search, Start Menu, Widgets, and Chat.
Perhaps the most controversial change, the Start Menu from Windows 10 is gone, and Microsoft has replaced it with a centered, stripped-down version without Live Tiles on Windows 11.
Live Tiles are a big part of the Windows 10 Start Menu. When Microsoft removed them from Windows 11, the company got a vocal response from both sides of the camp. People who loved Live Tiles’ ability to deliver information at a glance, lamented their loss. On the other hand, people who never used them praised their removal.
In place of Live Tiles, you’ve got a Pinned apps section where you can pin apps for faster access. You can hit the All apps button to see all the apps that you’ve installed on your PC.
Another change in Windows 11’s Start Menu is the new Recommended section where the OS displays the most used apps and files. You can disable the Recommended section from inside the Settings app if you don’t like it.
Finally, just like Windows 10, Windows 11 retains the Start Menu’s search function. The only difference is that the search bar is now located on top of the menu rather than at the bottom.
The Widgets panel in Windows 11 works just like the Windows 10 version, but with some added functionalities and a new design. In this panel, some tiles show you news, weather information, a calendar, to-do lists, and sports results. You can customize the layout to some extent by adding and removing widgets.
In short, the Widgets panel displays much more information than Windows 10’s News and Interests feature. Also, it is way nicer to look at.
Windows 10 allows you to snap apps in place by dragging them to the edge of the screen. But you have to do the snapping and the resizing of the app windows manually. Windows 11 simplifies the process through Snap Layouts.
In Windows 11, if you hover your mouse over the minimize/maximize button, a menu showing the different Snap Layouts pops up. For instance, from the menu, you can choose to open two apps side-by-side by clicking on the relevant layout. Once you've chosen the layout, you can choose the apps to populate the layout.
Moreover, after setting the apps inside a layout, you can minimize/maximize them as a group. The group layouts also move over to any connected external displays.
從 Windows 10 升級到 Windows 11 可能會有點令人震驚。跳躍很容易,但 Windows 11 與其前輩相比是一個完全不同的野獸。因此,請務必查看 Windows 11 的優缺點,以了解有關該作業系統的更多資訊。
您可能一直在尋找 Windows 10 和 Windows 11 之間的差異,因為您打算從前者升級到後者。選擇 Windows 10 而不是 Windows 11 的理由有很多。 10。
如果您因 Microsoft 拒絕您的電腦升級而陷入 Windows 10 困境,請查看如果您無法將電腦升級到 Windows 11,您應該做什麼。像Windows 10
如果您因為無法忍受Windows 11 的外觀和感覺而沒有躍遷,那麼您不必勉強使用Windows 10。作業系統更加熟悉且更易於使用。
以上是Windows 10 與 Windows 11:所有主要變化的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!