Conversion method: Enter the lowercase Arabic numerals of the RMB amount, such as 1688.99, and then click the "Convert to uppercase amount" button to convert it into Chinese characters. When entering numbers, you can include decimal points or write them in thousands, such as 1,688.99 (note that it is an English comma, not a Chinese comma).
Lowercase amount:
Amount in uppercase letters:
The Chinese uppercase Chinese characters used for the RMB amount are as follows:
Zero, one, two, three, four, five, land, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, billion.
The RMB symbol is:¥
The writing order is to write the capital letter "Y" first, then add two horizontal strokes on the vertical stroke, which is "¥", and the pronunciation is: yuán (sound: yuan).
Add a "¥" symbol before the first number of the Arabic numeral amount, which can not only prevent numbers from being filled in before the amount, but also indicate the amount in RMB. Since "¥" itself represents the unit of RMB "yuan", if the "¥" symbol is added before the amount, there is no need to add the word "yuan" after the amount.
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