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"The Difference Between H5 and Previous Versions of HTML"
Classify: Learning materials / Web page production | Release time: 2018-01-08 | visits: 3000870 |
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one. Changes in syntax
1.1 Marking method in HTMl5
1. Content type
The file extension remains unchanged, it is still .htm or .htm, and the content type is "text/html"
2. DOCTYPE statement
3. Specify the encoding of characters
<meta charset = “utf-8”> (utf-8 is recommended)
1.2 HTML ensures compatibility with previous HTML versions
three aspects:
1. Marked elements can be omitted
The elements that do not allow the use of closing tags are: area, base, br, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr.
The end tag elements that can be omitted are: li, dt, dd, p, rt, rp, optgroup, option, colgroup, thread, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th.
All marked elements that can be omitted are: html, head, body, colgroup, tbody.