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backend template

Select the latest website backend management templates and webpage backend templates in 2020, all of which are DIV+CSS layout, with simple and beautiful UI, all free downloads! If you are looking for a website backend management system template, go to the PHP Chinese website download site to save time for your website CMS development!

Popular Recommendations

Simple layui website backend page template

The website background template based on layui, the page entrance is index.html. Using iframe, you must enter from index.html, otherwise the page you see will not have a menu on the left, including product management, news classification, information management, product management, user management, Pages such as user messages, (which contain a set of plug-ins encapsulated by themselves, pop-up layers, confirm, paging, message boxes, etc.)
backend template

layui enterprise website backend management general template

LayuiAdmin is a common corporate website backend template. Mainly include: menu management, backend menu, frontend menu, content management, recommendation management, friendly links, RBAC, mail system, static generation, backup management, personal information, system settings and other backend management function page templates.
backend template

Simple mall system backend management template

Simple mall system backend management template
backend template

layui website backend management system framework template

layui website backend management system framework template
backend template

Student employment management system backend template

Student employment management system backend template
backend template

Vue + Element UI background management system framework

Developed based on vue.js, using vue-cli3 scaffolding and referencing the Element UI component library, it is convenient to develop fast, concise and beautiful components.
backend template

ThinkPHP5+layui framework background management system

thinkphp5, layui background, php background management, background management system, thinkphp framework
backend template

Management backend template built with layui framework

Management backend template built based on layui, corporate website backend, layui backend, Chinese backend, domestic backend management, management page ui
backend template
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