84669 person learning
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3350 person learning
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48569 person learning
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40936 person learning
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.directive('score', function () { return { link : function (scope, elements, attrs, controller) { //在显示之前执行, 只执行一次 //得到input //console.log('link()',elements); var input = elements[0] //给input绑定keyup的监听回调函数 input.onkeyup = function () { //读取input的value, 判断是否合法 var score = input.value.trim() //如果合法, background为white if(score==='' || (score*1>=1&&score*1<=100)) { input.style.background = 'white' } else { //否则为red input.style.background = 'red' } } } } }) .controller('MyController', function($scope){ });
The keyup event I just wrote today, keydown is similar
You can’t write it like this,The first choice is require: '?ngModel',Then get the value of the text box ngModel.$modelValue instead of input.value,There is also no need for elements [0], element representsjquery The thinking is too serious. . .
The keyup event I just wrote today, keydown is similar
You can’t write it like this,
The first choice is require: '?ngModel',
Then get the value of the text box ngModel.$modelValue instead of input.value,
There is also no need for elements [0], element represents
jquery The thinking is too serious. . .