means declaring a module called hd. Equivalent to setter, [] represents an array, and the content inside is the other modules that need to be used in the module you are declaring now. For example
var app = angular.module('app',['ionic'])
The above means that a module called app is defined, and the ionic module is injected into the app module
var m = angular.module('hd')
means to get a module called hd. Equivalent to getter
means declaring a module called hd. Equivalent to setter, [] represents an array, and the content inside is the other modules that need to be used in the module you are declaring now. For example
The above means that a module called app is defined, and the ionic module is injected into the app module
means to get a module called hd. Equivalent to getter
This is a declaration of a moudle.
Simply put,
is the name of another NG module that depends on it.[] contains the names of the dependent modules you need to use below ['1', '2'...] like this.