84669 person learning
152542 person learning
20005 person learning
5487 person learning
7821 person learning
359900 person learning
3350 person learning
180660 person learning
48569 person learning
18603 person learning
40936 person learning
1549 person learning
1183 person learning
32909 person learning
想把git的远端仓库迁移到另外一个新的仓库,如何完整迁移(包含所有的分支,而不是仅仅master)?使用下面这种方式克隆裸版本库然后push只有master分支,请问各位大虾有没有什么简单方法能一次把仓库里的所有分支都clone过去(远端仓库分支比较多)。git clone --bare git://github.com/username/project.gitgit push --mirror git@gitcafe.com/username/newproject.git
Image Clone:
git clone --mirror https://github.com/../old.git old.git cd old.git
Then push the image:
git remote set-url --push origin git@gitcafe.com/.../new.git git push --mirror
Or push a new remote and then push:
git remote add mirror origin git@gitcafe.com/.../new.git git push mirror --all git push mirror --tags
git clone git://github.com/username/project.gitgit push origin
Try it
In addition, if you move a GitHub warehouse to another GitHub account or group, you can use fork
If you have administrative rights, just transfer directly in the management interface.
Your clone operation takes all branches (except pr ref). Your push operation only has one branch.
Image Clone:
Then push the image:
Or push a new remote and then push:
git clone git://github.com/username/project.git
git push origin
Try it
In addition, if you move a GitHub warehouse to another GitHub account or group, you can use fork
If you have administrative rights, just transfer directly in the management interface.
Your clone operation takes all branches (except pr ref). Your push operation only has one branch.