What you get is the latest code. Then use git log --stat --since "2 months ago" to check the commitid (version number), and then git reset --hard commitid The code will return to the commitid version, but it is best to pull out a new one. This operation
Let’s take a look at simple git operations first. Recommend http://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0013739516305929606dd18361248578c67b8067c8c017b000/
if you only want to move a set of commits from another branch to your current branch, refer to
git cherry-pick
What you get is the latest code. Then use git log --stat --since "2 months ago" to check the commitid (version number), and then git reset --hard commitid The code will return to the commitid version, but it is best to pull out a new one. This operation