84669 person learning
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7821 person learning
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3350 person learning
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48569 person learning
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现在这种情况下,哪怕DemoA有了修改,外面的Demos文件夹对应的仓库也无法察觉仓库状态发生了变化。就好像没有跟踪 DemoA ,DemoB,DemoC一样,请问如何解决较好
Use git submodule.Treat DemoA, DemoB, and DemoC as submodules of the project.
PS: I don’t know what your project is, but it may be more convenient to use dependency management tools instead of git, such as PHP’s composer and Java’s maven.
Use git submodule.
Treat DemoA, DemoB, and DemoC as submodules of the project.
PS: I don’t know what your project is, but it may be more convenient to use dependency management tools instead of git, such as PHP’s composer and Java’s maven.