It should be possible to paste using shift + insert. As for copying, it should be configured to copy when selected.
In addition, I recommend a command tool under Windows: ConEmu -- tab labels, various shortcut keys, and various colors are very complete and convenient -- more importantly, you can use the familiar Ctrl+C/V
It should be possible to paste using shift + insert. As for copying, it should be configured to copy when selected.
In addition, I recommend a command tool under Windows: ConEmu -- tab labels, various shortcut keys, and various colors are very complete and convenient -- more importantly, you can use the familiar Ctrl+C/V
1, select the
you want to edit 2, in
标题栏 -> 右键 -> 编辑 -> 复制/粘贴
There is another way
标题栏 -> 右键 -> 属性 -> 快速编辑模式勾上
.Then you can
I use
Git Bash
, and you can copy it with the following command:For example:
In this way, your ssh public key will be copied to the pasteboard
Common problem with windows. But using cmder, you can use ctrl+V. You can copy or select with the mouse