假设我add了一系列文件, 我希望在写commit注释的时候,分别为每个文件写commit信息.
我在Google时组织的关键词为git commit message for many files, 但是没有得到理想的结果.
我的关键字为 "git default editor sublime Windows7",但是得到的结果非常繁琐,在自己机器上试验也未能成功 这是一个坑吗?
主要是对提交粒度的控制,如果粒度太小,每个文件都add和commit,会累死人的; 如果粒度过大,那么别人根本不知道某些文件是什么鬼;
所以粒度适中最好,属于同一类的文件则同时commit,统一写commit信息; 另外文件命名做到见名知意; 不要有强迫症,要对自己写的代码和代码注释有信心,自己能看懂,别人也能看懂
I don’t have a win environment, so I can only answer your first question
Since it is a commit message, it is of course an explanation of the commit, so your idea cannot be realized unless each file is committed separately :)
Since each document has a different interpretation, can it be submitted separately?
One submission is a valid modification, and these files can share the same explanation~
Question 1
Git is not designed to comment files individually in a commit
The purpose of the commit message is to remind you what changes have been made in this commit compared to the previous version
It should not be specific about what has been changed in a certain file
If you insist on commenting on a single file
You can only commit each file separately
Question 2
Add the path of sublimeText to path
If the addition is successful, please use
where subl
to test under git bashSet sublime as default editor
git config --global core.editor "subl -w"