if @work.save Usermailer.workcreated_email(@work).deliver_now format.html {redirect_to @work, notice: "Work Created"} format.js {} else format.html {render 'new'} format.js {} end
class Usermailer < ApplicationMailer default from: "chaniel_test@163.com" def workcreated_email(work) @work = work mail(to: work.project.user.email, subject: "Work Item Posted") end end
console 报错:
Usermailer#workcreated_email: processed outbound mail in 31.5ms Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 127ms (ActiveRecord: 3.1ms) ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template usermailer/workcreated_email with "mailer". Searched in: * "usermailer" ): app/mailers/usermailer.rb:6:in `workcreated_email' app/controllers/works_controller.rb:21:in `block in create' app/controllers/works_controller.rb:19:in `create'
Missing template for
There needs to be a view, probably named workcreated.erb or something like that. If you use RubyMine, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Home at the controller code will jump or prompt you to create a