我在github上建一个名为vimfiles的repository,将 ~/.vim 内的东西push上去,使用pathogen来管理插件
git submodule add git@github.com:kien/ctrlp.vim.git bundle/ctrlp
git submodule add git@github.com:Shougo/neocomplcache.git bundle/neocomplcache
这样就添加了两个插件,然后可以使用git submodule foreach git pull origin master更新插件
然后git submodule add (新的repository) bundle/xxxx,但是如果只是改几行代码fork一个项目这个做法是否合理。
其二,不使用git submodule的方法,在bundle目录下git clone插件的代码,并去掉插件目录的.git文件夹,即去除插件的版本控制。这样就可以在vimfiles这个repository中实实在在地保存插件的代码,而缺点就是插件的更新很麻烦。
It is not recommended that you modify the plug-in.
You can go to a new issue, tell the author your needs, and then wait until he implements it. If you change it yourself, you must either fork it yourself and start a new one, or directly copy the code file (personally I feel this is a stupid approach).
You wrote in your question that only a few lines of code were modified, so you may consider appending code to your vimrc to cover that part (those lines) of the plug-in author. For example, if you modify a function in a plug-in, you can directly add it to your vimrc to overwrite the function. Or for a more separation point, you can create a new repo, which is only responsible for recording your modifications, and then source it into your vimrc.