I don’t know what MediaType is, but I have always used the encoding produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8", or the front-end encoding is not utf-8
Configure a spring encoding filter I searched for one for reference If it is a new project, check out spring boot. Basically, there is no need to configure it. Things like Chinese garbled characters are all configured by default.
Let’s talk about the garbled code problemGET and POST POST configure the spring filter in the web. URIencoding=utf-8 or take it and use ISO-8859-1 to manually decode it and then encode it in UTF-8
Just add this to the xml file
I don’t know what MediaType is, but I have always used the encoding produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8", or the front-end encoding is not utf-8
If the server is Tomcat, change to version 8.0 or above. Older versions did not encode UTF-8 by default.
Configure a spring encoding filter
I searched for one for reference
If it is a new project, check out spring boot. Basically, there is no need to configure it. Things like Chinese garbled characters are all configured by default.
Let’s talk about the garbled code problemGET and POST
POST configure the spring filter in the web. URIencoding=utf-8 or take it and use ISO-8859-1 to manually decode it and then encode it in UTF-8
Configuring a simple CharacterFilter may not solve the problem. If you are using Jackson2, try the following solution
Jackson1 is the same, but the class is changed to MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter