The problem with database encoding is that I couldn’t change the encoding of the database according to what was said on the Internet. Then I deleted all the databases and reinstalled them. The encoding was unified to utf8. I feel that reinstalling is more reliable. Pay attention when reinstalling the database. The encoding settings at the beginning are no problem, solved!
I think it should be a database encoding problem. Where you debug the data, first determine where the chaos started, and then find corresponding countermeasures
navicat does not recommend modifying the encoding by right-clicking the database. It is recommended to first edit the database结构和数据导出为sql, 然后新建一个数据库, 这时字符集选择utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicode排序规则选择utf8_general_ci, then import the original database content, and change the corresponding character set and sorting rules of the data table fields to the above
The problem with database encoding is that I couldn’t change the encoding of the database according to what was said on the Internet. Then I deleted all the databases and reinstalled them. The encoding was unified to utf8. I feel that reinstalling is more reliable. Pay attention when reinstalling the database. The encoding settings at the beginning are no problem, solved!
Check page encoding
Check database encoding
Check web container encoding
Check whether the filter is set, the encoding filter must be in front
I think it should be a database encoding problem. Where you debug the data, first determine where the chaos started, and then find corresponding countermeasures
navicat does not recommend modifying the encoding by right-clicking the database. It is recommended to first edit the database
导出为sql, 然后新建一个数据库, 这时字符集选择utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicode
, then import the original database content, and change the corresponding character set and sorting rules of the data table fields to the aboveConfirm database encoding and project encoding, response.getCharacterEncoding();