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想咨询各位大神一下,是否存在根据数据库表接口自动生成restfull 接口的技术。支持
select sum(filedA) as PV , count( distinct filedA) as UV, sum( if ( SomeCondition is true , 1 ,0 )) as SumOtherA from SomeTable where filedA > 0
更进一步,还能生成多表关联查询的代码,支持各种join 操作。语言不限,不知道是否有县城的工具?
php version: https://github.com/mevdschee/...
Python version: http://flask-restless.readthe...
The most mature one I know is postgreshttps://github.com/begriffs/p...
For php: yii2’s gii can basically satisfy you, but in the end I didn’t try restful~
loopback.io doesn’t know if it has this capability. You need to write some code and configure it a little bit.
xorm and gorm can meet your needs
There are many similar technologies, you can study ActiveRecord
php version: https://github.com/mevdschee/...
Python version: http://flask-restless.readthe...
The most mature one I know is postgres
For php: yii2’s gii can basically satisfy you, but in the end I didn’t try restful~
loopback.io doesn’t know if it has this capability. You need to write some code and configure it a little bit.
xorm and gorm can meet your needs
There are many similar technologies, you can study ActiveRecord