1.报错信息 requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:645)
2.除了 verify=False ,安装certifi 或者更新requests包 之外 有什么更好的办法吗 .
PS 我设置verify=False时 请求返回的就变得好慢 不知道为什么。
3.我试过将 浏览器的证书 导出来(步骤:谷歌浏览器,选择不导出 私钥 ,然后选择der编码,导出来是cer格式的文件),然后 verify ='导出后浏览器证书的路径'
Yes, use charles proxy, then install charles’ certificate on your computer and trust him. Then point the proxy to the port of Charles, and you can let Charles proxy your https request. And you can capture packets.
This routine is good! I learned a trick, but I don’t need an agent. Is there any good way to start from within Python? .