84669 person learning
152542 person learning
20005 person learning
5487 person learning
7821 person learning
359900 person learning
3350 person learning
180660 person learning
48569 person learning
18603 person learning
40936 person learning
1549 person learning
1183 person learning
32909 person learning
data = { "title": "魅族 32G 魅蓝note5" } import json print(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8"))
chcp 65001
Just type it directly in the terminal.
ლ(╹◡╹ლ), um, maybe, huh?
.encode('utf-8') try it
With python3, you don’t have these worries anymore
Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 26 2016, 12:10:39) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> import requests >>> data = requests.get('http://zhuanzhuan.58.com/detail/807158202296418308z.shtml').content >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(data,'lxml') >>> title = soup.select('.box_left_top h1')[0].text.encode('utf-8') >>> print type(title) >>> print title 魅族 32G 魅蓝note5 >>> test_data = {'title':title} >>> print test_data {'title': '\xe9\xad\x85\xe6\x97\x8f 32G \xe9\xad\x85\xe8\x93\x9dnote5'} >>> print repr(test_data).decode("unicode-escape") {'title': u'魅族 32G 魅蓝note5'}
The method works, thank you
Just type it directly in the terminal.
ლ(╹◡╹ლ), um, maybe, huh?
.encode('utf-8') try it
With python3, you don’t have these worries anymore
The method works, thank you