price post_code year month property_type whether_new \ 0 0 155000 N20 9AQ 1995 1 F Y 1 1 67500 SE1 4HG 1995 1 F Y 2 2 99950 SE1 0RD 1995 1 S Y 3 3 102000 N3 1AE 1995 1 F N 4 4 100000 W11 1PN 1995 1 S N 5 5 57500 SW4 0NU 1995 1 F N
我想把property type里的F全换成'000',s全换成'001'.
I saw your data, my place is very fast, it takes less than 1 second to replace all the data:
data.csv contains two million records, which I randomly generated