84669 person learning
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This thing is called UTI, Uniform Type Identifiers
You can read Apple’s documentation here
1. First, register the file types you can open in info.plist
Then if someone chooses to use your App to open this file, this function will be called. You can implement it:
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication)application openURL:(NSURL)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
You can also open a controller here
That’s almost it, you should be able to pull it out once you find the direction. . If you want a demo. . I can masturbate too. . (Allow me to fill in the gaps later)
This thing is called UTI, Uniform Type Identifiers
You can read Apple’s documentation here
1. First, register the file types you can open in info.plist
Then if someone chooses to use your App to open this file, this function will be called. You can implement it:
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication)application openURL:(NSURL)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
You can also open a controller here
That’s almost it, you should be able to pull it out once you find the direction. . If you want a demo. . I can masturbate too. . (Allow me to fill in the gaps later)