是不是设置plist文件里面的Bundle name值?可是我设置了好像无效。我想用语言包进行多语言设置,按照网上的教程在语言包里面定义了CFBundleDisplayName = "XXapp名称";这样的值,但是没有效果,求指点
Create an InfoPlist.strings file and then localize it into multiple languages. Write in it CFBundleDisplayName = "xxx";
That’s it. For details, you can read Apple’s official documentation, which explains how to localize the app name
iOS FAQ community will answer your questions426981364 (deduct group)
Add a key to the info.plist file: Bundle display name, value fill in the application name
Save time and use the jailbreak plug-in icon renamer.
ios7:/var/mobile/Applications/ app ios8:/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/ app
Modified file name
Info.plist InfoPlist.strings //文件都存在就都修改,只有第一个就修改第一个。
Modified properties
<key>CFBundleDisplayName</key> <string>此处</string>
If there is .app in it
zh-Hans.lproj zh_CN.lproj
Then change the step you did
CFBundleDisplayName = "XXapp名称";
Create an InfoPlist.strings file
and then localize it into multiple languages. Write in it
CFBundleDisplayName = "xxx";
That’s it. For details, you can read Apple’s official documentation, which explains how to localize the app name
iOS FAQ community will answer your questions
426981364 (deduct group)
Add a key to the info.plist file: Bundle display name, value fill in the application name
Save time and use the jailbreak plug-in icon renamer.
Modified file name
Modified properties
If there is .app in it
Then change the step you did