84669 person learning
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现在有一个列表页。是有li 组成的。如下
<li>你好</li> <li>你好</li> <li>你好</li> <li>你好</li>
li:active{ background-color:#ddd; }
The best way is to use js. Use a delay function to automatically remove class
.active{ background-color:#ddd; }
$('li').on('click', function (e) { var _this = this; $(_this).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function () { $(_this).removeClass('active'); }, 150); });
The mobile sliding event is touchmove, maybe you can make a fuss about it. One solution is to remove :active and change to js event control
el.addEventListener('touchstart',function(){ //加背景色 }) el.addEventListener('touchend',function(){ //移除背景色 }) el.addEventListener('touchmove',function(){ //如果有背景色,就移除 })
This seems to be the case?
body:active li:active, li { background-color: initial; } li:active{ background-color: #ddd; }
The code has not been tested for mobile phone answering, but if you use css, it feels like it is written like this; or you can use js directly.
The best way is to use js. Use a delay function to automatically remove
that adds background colorclass
The mobile sliding event is touchmove, maybe you can make a fuss about it. One solution is to remove :active and change to js event control
This seems to be the case?
The code has not been tested for mobile phone answering, but if you use css, it feels like it is written like this; or you can use js directly.