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For mysql, obviously, even if you have a unique order ID, you must have a primary key that automatically increments the id.
Mysql has high efficiency in incrementing the primary key.
It is recommended to use physical primary key id instead of logical primary key to facilitate system expansion
You definitely need a self-increasing ID
It is recommended to retain the default id auto-increment primary key at all timeshttp://imysql.com/2014/09/14/mysql-faq-why-innodb-table-using-autoinc-int-as-pk .shtml
For mysql, obviously, even if you have a unique order ID, you must have a primary key that automatically increments the id.
Mysql has high efficiency in incrementing the primary key.
It is recommended to use physical primary key id instead of logical primary key to facilitate system expansion
You definitely need a self-increasing ID
It is recommended to retain the default id auto-increment primary key at all times
http://imysql.com/2014/09/14/mysql-faq-why-innodb-table-using-autoinc-int-as-pk .shtml