class Pomodoro_app(Tk): def add_task(self): global time time = StringVar() time.set("Start") task_content = askstring(title = 'Add a Task', prompt = "Input a task") task_label = Label(self, text = task_content, font = ("Arial, 12")).grid(column = 0, row = 3) task_start_button = Button(self, textvariable = time, command = self.start_working).grid(column = 1, row = 3) def createWidgets(self): self.welcome_label = Label(self, text = "Welcome to the Challenge!", font = ("Arial, 12")).grid(column = 0, row = 0, columnspan = 2) self.add_task_button = Button(self, text = "Add Task", width = 20, command = self.add_task).grid(column = 0 , columnspan = 2) def __init__(self): """GUI Initiation""" Tk.__init__(self) self.createWidgets() """window Initiation""" self.resizable(False, False) x = (self.winfo_screenwidth() - self.winfo_reqwidth()) / 2 y = (self.winfo_screenheight() - self.winfo_reqheight()) / 2 self.geometry('250x400+%d+%d' % (x, y))