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What is the difference between <h1></h1> in div and <title></title> in head? - PHP Chinese Website Q&A - <h1></h1> in div What is the difference between <title></title> in the head? - PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look and learn.
title元素定义网页的标题,注意是整个网页,一个网页有且只有一个title元素,title 元素位于head元素中,<head> 标签中唯一要求包含的东西。比如有个页面叫“php中文网首页”
What is the difference between <h1></h1> in div and <title></title> in head? - PHP Chinese Website Q&A - <h1></h1> in div What is the difference between <title></title> in the head? - PHP Chinese website Q&A
Take a look and learn.
title元素定义网页的标题,注意是整个网页,一个网页有且只有一个title元素,title 元素位于head元素中,<head> 标签中唯一要求包含的东西。比如有个页面叫“php中文网首页”