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<table> <tr> <th>数学</th> <th>语文</th> </tr> <tr> <td>90</td> <td>98</td> </tr> <tr> <td>95</td> <td>94</td> </tr></table>
Is there any difference between <td> and <th> in our css table - PHP Chinese website Q&A - Is there any difference between <td> and <th> in our css table - PHP Chinese website Q&A
Come around and watch and learn.
<td>指表格中的单元格 而<th>我们通常称为表头,一般用于标题,会让<th></th>标签内的文字着重显示!
<td>表示内容单元格 <th>则表示标题,一般用在一列的第一格,里面的内容会自动加粗加黑他们
Is there any difference between <td> and <th> in our css table - PHP Chinese website Q&A - Is there any difference between <td> and <th> in our css table - PHP Chinese website Q&A
Come around and watch and learn.
<td>指表格中的单元格 而<th>我们通常称为表头,一般用于标题,会让<th></th>标签内的文字着重显示!
<td>表示内容单元格 <th>则表示标题,一般用在一列的第一格,里面的内容会自动加粗加黑他们