I want to generate a URL for this web page that pre-populates two CeDiploma Validation form elements with a query string.
I got the expected results of the verification form on another university's webpage using the following URL: https://cecredential.stanford.edu/cecredential/?credentialId=prefilledtext&nameLetter=AA
. This produces:
However, this approach does not seem to work with the original site, i.e. the following URL with the query string behaves the same way as the URL without the query string: https://registrar.uchicago.edu /records/diplomas/ce-diplomas-validation/?CeDiD=preilledtext&UserFirstTwoLetters=AA
As a complete html newbie, I don't understand why these two pages behave differently for these URL query strings.
Update: Oddly enough, this method does allow me to pre-populate the text field of the University of Chicago page search box using https://registrar. uchicago.edu/records/diplomas/ce-diplomas-validation/?s=pre
This produces
CeDiploma table still has no success.
A site's code can read the query string and use the data from it to populate form fields. Not so the other.
It would be a security issue if a browser could populate a form field on an arbitrary website using just a URL. Unless the site provides you with a mechanism to do this (and it doesn't appear to be): you can't.