Depending on how deep you want to pass the data and what type of data you want to pass, you can use one of several methods.
Passing props to child components: This allows you to pass data from the parent component to the child component as props (treat them as properties). But be aware that if you "drill" into many levels, this can quickly lead to unmanageable code.
If you have some truly global state and need to go a few levels deeper, you can use something likeReact's Context APIwhich allows you to bypass prop-drilling. However, this can have a performance impact if you pass state that changes too frequently, as this will cause all components subscribed to the context to re-render, even if they don't use the specific part of the context that changed.
For higher performance state management, you can use libraries such as Zustand/Redux.
More background information on your question will help provide better advice.
Depending on how deep you want to pass the data and what type of data you want to pass, you can use one of several methods.
Passing props to child components: This allows you to pass data from the parent component to the child component as props (treat them as properties). But be aware that if you "drill" into many levels, this can quickly lead to unmanageable code.
If you have some truly global state and need to go a few levels deeper, you can use something likeReact's Context APIwhich allows you to bypass prop-drilling. However, this can have a performance impact if you pass state that changes too frequently, as this will cause all components subscribed to the context to re-render, even if they don't use the specific part of the context that changed.
For higher performance state management, you can use libraries such as Zustand/Redux.
More background information on your question will help provide better advice.