I'm trying to clip an image using SVG paths, but my image doesn't seem to fit.
This is what I want to achieve:
This is what I got:
This is the code I tried:
.topbar-chat-img { width: 48px; height: 48px; object-fit: cover; clip-path: url(#topbar-img-svg); }
<img src="https://picsum.photos/200/200?image=1069" class="topbar-chat-img" /> <svg> <defs> <clipPath id="topbar-img-svg"> <path class="svg-cls" d="M33,66A33.009,33.009,0,0,1,20.155,2.593,32.99,32.99,0,0,1,66,33a32.691,32.691,0,0,1-3.271,14.341,11.008,11.008,0,0,0-13.148,14.2A32.978,32.978,0,0,1,33,66Z"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
I also tried changing the size of vievBox and svg but I can't fit the image.
Here's another easier way to use SVG: