When scrolling down, another class is added to the container, "down":
.down { bottom: -60px; }
Negative positions must correspond to the height of the footer/menu.
I think they do this using JavaScript. You can check in JavaScript whether the user is at the top of the page like this:
let userIsAtTheTopOfThePage = window.pageYOffset === 0;
You can add classes to elements like this:
and delete like this:
Edit: Sorry, I misunderstood the question first, but what you want to achieve can be achieved in a similar way. Let’s take a look at this example menu:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { window.addEventListener("scroll", function() { var menu = document.getElementById("menu"); var scrollPosition = window.scrollY; var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var documentHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; var scrollThreshold = documentHeight - windowHeight - 200; // Adjust this value to determine when the menu should become part of the flow if (scrollPosition > scrollThreshold) { menu.classList.add("scrolling-menu"); } else { menu.classList.remove("scrolling-menu"); } }); });
I just checked the developer consolehttps://imgur.com/a/YFcfO3N a> It looks like they are using a footer container with the "Footer-wrapper" class, with the following CSS Attributes:
When scrolling down, another class is added to the container, "down":
Negative positions must correspond to the height of the footer/menu.
I think they do this using JavaScript. You can check in JavaScript whether the user is at the top of the page like this:
You can add classes to elements like this:
and delete like this:
Edit: Sorry, I misunderstood the question first, but what you want to achieve can be achieved in a similar way. Let’s take a look at this example menu:
Use this CSS
and this JavaScript
It should be possible.