I have an array of image data and am trying to convert it to a file
const images = [ { img: "http://localhost/images/1.jpg", name: "1.png", mime_type: "image/jpeg" }, { img: "http://localhost/images/2.jpg", name: "2.png", mime_type: "image/jpeg" }, ] const res: File[] = images.map(function (item) { return new File([item.img], item.name, { type: item.mime_type }) })
This doesn't work :(As I understand it, the converted image in base24 should be passed to the file constructor? How do I do that?
Update: I have a VUE component that handles images. The input component has a property of type array. How to create an array based on the data returned by the database. Returns from database: image link, name and type.
UPD2 answer:
let PhotosAsFile: File[] = [] const _photos = [ { url: "http://localhost:8080/images/1.jpeg", name: "name1", mime_type: "image/jpeg" }, { url: "http://localhost:8080/images/2.jpeg", name: "name2", mime_type: "image/jpeg" }, { url: "http://localhost:8080/images/3.jpeg", name: "name3", mime_type: "image/jpeg" }, ] const data: Promise[] = _photos.map(async function (item): Promise { const myBlob: Blob = await getBlobFromUrl(item.url) const extensionsFile: RegExpMatchArray | null | undefined = item.url?.match(/\.([^.] )$/) return new File([myBlob], extensionsFile && item.name ? item.name "." extensionsFile[1] : "image.jpeg", { type: item.mime_type ?? "image/jpeg", }) }) Promise.all(data).then((values: File[]): void => { PhotosAsFile = values }) const getBlobFromUrl = (url): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { const request: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest() request.open("GET", url, true) request.responseType = "blob" request.onload = () => { resolve(request.response) } request.onerror = reject request.send() }) }
To create the
(I'm not sure why you need it), you need to pass in the binary datahttps://developer.mozilla.org/en -US/docs/Web/API/File/File
This is a file in memory. You cannot read it from disk. You cannot write it to disk. I guess you can set it to a value and send it as FormData.