I need help with Angular material drag and drop
The idea is that I can move the black block on the screen along the Y axis, for this I am using Angular Material drag and drop, for this I have 3 methods onDragMoved, onDragStart, onDragEnd. When I release the mouse I will add 100px to the height and when I want to start moving the block for the second time it should start moving from where it stopped last time but this doesn't happen, twitching occurs for some reason
The video in question - https://dropmefiles.com/0XFU6
onDragMoved(event: CdkDragMove) { console.log('движемся') console.log(event) console.log('neeeew coord', this.qwwqwqw) // if(this.qwwqwqw != null && event != null) { // event.distance.y = this.qwwqwqw // event.pointerPosition.y = this.qwwqwqw // this.qwwqwqw = null; // } } onDragStart(event: CdkDragMove) { console.log('Кнопка мыши зажата'); console.log(event.distance) } onDragEnd(event: CdkDragMove) { console.log('Кнопка мыши отпущена'); console.log(event) const y = event.distance.y 100; // 100 const element = event.source.element.nativeElement; element.style.transform = `translate3d(0, ${y}px, 0)`; // CSS-трансформации element.style.height = this.originalHeight 'px'; // восстанавливаем исходную высоту блока event.distance.y = y; this.qwwqwqw = y; }
Координаты: {{ posX }}, {{ posY }}
[Enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/RmWP2.png)
I tried debugging, I passed the new coordinates to the onDragMoved method, but in the second event they were updated to some random coordinates
Use the [cdkDragFreeDragPosition] attribute