New title: Calculate and update a token's remaining expiration time
P粉463840170 2023-08-26 23:13:42
<p>I need to refresh Spotify token every hour in React application (Spotify token is valid for 1 hour). I know the following method uses <strong>useEffect</strong> hook and <strong>setInteral</strong></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { //Call API logic }, 3600); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, [user])</pre> <p>But when the app is closed and reopened, it again makes a new request to get the token (even though the old token is still valid). So I'm trying to implement functionality that requires an API call to get a new token based on the remaining expiration time. How to implement this function. </p> <p>I also created a function that calculates the remaining expiration time after the elapsed time</p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">export const calculateRemainingExpirationTime = expirationTime => { const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); const newExpirationTime = new Date(expirationTime).getTime() const remainingTime = newExpirationTime - currentTime return remainingTime; //in milliseconds };</pre> <p>So when the page reloads I need to calculate the remaining expiration time and then call the API based on that time and then call the API every 1 hour to get a new token. </p> <p><strong>I need to implement the following functions</strong></p> <ol> <li>When the page reloads, calculate the remaining time and call the API based on the remaining time</li> <li>Calling API every hour</li> </ol><p><br /></p>

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You need to persist the expiration time to localStorage or use Redux-persist to save

useEffect(() => {
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
  }, 3600);
  return () => clearInterval(interval); 
}, [user])

 React.useEffect(() => {
    let mounted = true;
    const getToken = () => {
      if (mounted) {
        const expirationtime = localStorage.getItem("expir");
        if (new Date() > new Date(Number(expirationtime))) {
          // 过期,获取新的令牌
        } else {
          // 存在的令牌
    return () => {
      mounted = false;
  }, [user]);
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