How to use Google Translate API for free in Reactjs
P粉178894235 2023-08-16 14:26:18
<p>I am building a new website using Reactjs and need to use API for translation Do you know any reliable free APIs? I used the Google Translate API for free a few years ago</p> <p>But I don’t think it’s free anymore? </p> <p>However, the number of words that need to be translated will not exceed 1,000 And it will only be used to translate from one language to another, so the traffic between languages ​​will not be huge</p>

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If it's just for a pet project, there are several libraries that can be recommended to bypass the limitations of google translate api.

  1. You can use a proxy server

Please take a look at this library and read the documentation carefully, luckily I saw that the library is still under maintenance. I saw that this library uses a proxy server to achieve unlimited google translate.

  1. Use crawler tools to simulate using google translate

Please check out this repository for examples of how to use the crawler tool to use the Google API without restrictions .

This tool utilizes puppeeter, a very popular crawler tool, to access Google Translate through the browser, so you can use Google Translate without restrictions.

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